Showing posts with label information technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label information technology. Show all posts

Saturday 9 January 2016

यो हो बिश्वको पहिलो ड्रोन, जसमा हेलिकोप्टरझैं चढेर उड्न मिल्छ

पुतलीझैं उड्ने क्यामेरा जडित स-साना ड्रोनहरु यतिबेला संसारभरि लोकप्रिय भइरहेका छन् । तर, तपाइँले कहिल्यै यस्ता ड्रोनको कल्पना गर्नुभएको थियो, जसभित्र बसेर हेलिकोप्टरमा झैं उड्न सकियोस् ।
प्रबिधिको दुनियाँमा असम्भव केही छै्रन् । एक चिनियाँ कम्पनीले यस्तो ड्रोनको आविस्कार गरेको छ जसभित्र एकजना मानिस आरामसँग बसेर उड्न सक्छन् ।
चिनियाँहरुको यो गजबको आविस्कार देखेेर अमेरिकाको लस भेगसमा जारी मेला हेर्न आइपुगेका बिश्वभरका मानिसहरु दंग परिरहेका छन् ।
यो चिनियाँ आविस्कारबारे यतिबेला अमेरिकी मिडियाहरुले पनि खुवै प्रसंसा गरिरहेका छन् ।

इहाङ १८४ नामक यो ड्रोनमा एकजना यात्रु बस्न मिल्ने आरामदायी र वातानुकुलित ककपिट छ । तर, यात्रुले ड्रोन चलाइराख्नु पर्दैन् । सिटको अगाडी रहेको टचस्त्रिmनबाटै उडानसम्बन्धी सवै कुरा नियन्त्रण गर्न सकिन्छ ।यात्रुले स्क्रिनमा देखिएको नक्सा थिचेर गन्तब्य यकिन गर्न सक्छन् । त्यसपछि ड्रोन उडेर आफै त्यो ठाउँमा पुग्छ र ल्याण्ड हुन्छ । हेलिकोप्टरजस्तै भर्टिकल शैलीमा उडान र अबतरण गर्छ ।

ककपिटको पछाडी एउटा सानो ट्याङ्की राखिएको छ जसमा यात्रुले आफ्नो ब्याकप्याक वा लगेज राख्न सक्छन् ।ड्रोन उत्पादन गर्ने चिनियाँ इहाङ कम्पनीले दुई बर्ष लामो अनुसन्धानबाट यो ड्रोन तयार पारेको जनाएको छ । कन्जुमर इलेक्ट्रोनिक सोमा प्रर्दशनमा राखिएको ड्रोन नमुनामात्र नभई बजारमा ल्याउन मिल्ने फाइनल प्रोडक्ट भएको कम्पनीले जनाएको छ । यसअघि नै १ सय जना मानिसले यसमा बसेर सफलतापूर्वक परिक्षण उडान गरिसकेका छन् ।
यदि उडान भइरहेका बेला कुनै दुर्घटना हुन लाग्यो भने कसरी जोगाउने ? कम्पनीका प्रवक्ता भन्छन- ‘दुर्घटनाको सम्भावना एकदमै कम छ, कम्पनीको फ्लाइट कन्ट्रोल सेन्टरले सवै ड्रोनलाई नियमित निगरानी राखिरहेको हुन्छ, त्यस्तो अबस्था आउनासाथ कन्ट्रोल सेन्टरले हस्तक्षेप गर्छ ।’सेफ्टी फस्ट भेहिकलका रुपमा ब्याख्या गर्दै कम्पनीले यसलाई साना हेलिकोप्टर वा प्लेनको विकल्पका रुपमा स्थापित हुने दावी गरेको छ ।
कहिलेदेखि यो बजारमा उपलब्ध हुने छ र कति पैसा पर्ने छ भन्ने बिषयमा कम्पनीले केही खुलाएको छ । मूल्यका बिषयमा प्रश्न गर्दा कम्पनीका प्रवक्ताले भने- लाखौं डलर पर्न सक्छ ।’

Friday 26 December 2014

अब सबैसँग हुनेछ आइफोन, आउँदैछ सस्तो मोडल !

आफूसँग पनि आइफोन होस् भन्ने तपाईंको भित्रि इच्छा छ भने अब तपाईंको इच्छा सायद पूरा हुनेछ । खबरका अनुसार एप्पल कम्पनीले चाँडै नै एउटा यस्तो फोनको विकास गर्दैछ जो निकै सस्तो हुने बताइएको छ । यससँगै एप्पलले सामसुङको पाइला पछ्याएको विश्लेषकहरु बताउँछन् ।
टेक टाइम्सका अनुसार एप्पलले यो नयाँ र सस्तो आइफोनलाई तयार गर्नको लागि काम सुरु गरिसकेको छ । यो फोनलाई कम्पनीले एप्पल आइफोन सिक्स एस को नाममा पेश गरिने बताइएको छ । यो आइफोनमा ४.७ इन्चको डिस्प्ले स्क्रिन दिइने बताइएको छ जुन आइफोन सिक्स प्लसभन्दा निकै सानो हुनेछ । यसका साथसाथै अर्को नयाँ ४ इन्चको स्क्रिन भएको आइफोनसमेत बजारमा भित्र्याउने तयारी भइरहेको बताइएको छ ।
टिमोथी आर्कुरी, कोवेन एण्ड कम्पनीका विश्लेषकले लगानीकर्ताहरुलाई एक पत्र जारी गर्दै एप्पलले सन् २०१५ का लागि आइफोन सिक्स एस मिनि नाम भएको ४ इन्चको आइफोन बजारमा भित्र्याउन सक्ने अनुमान गरेका छन् ।
यद्यपी अहिलेसम्म आइफोन सिक्स एस र आइफोन सिक्स एस मिनिको मूल्यको बारेमा केहि पनि खुलासा भएको छै्रन तर यो निकै प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक र निकै सस्तो हुने अनुमान गरिएको छ । खबरलाई मान्ने हो भने यो सस्तो आइफोनले सामसङ, एचटीसी, सोनी, एलजी तथा मोटोरालाका टप मोडल र स्मार्टफोनलाई चुनौती दिने बुझिएको छ । - See more at:

Friday 21 November 2014

पैसा दिने नयाँ सामाजिक सञ्जाल 'सु'

 'सामाजिक सञ्जालमा लाखौं मानिसको दैनिक घन्टौं समय खेर गइरहेको छ। इन्टरनेटमा समय खर्च भएबापत फेसबुक,  ट्वीटरले न पैसा दिन्छ न त हजारौं साथी एवं फलोअर्सबाट कुनै काम लिन सकेको छ। इन्टरनेटको लत त्याग्न सके अफ लाइनमा सिर्जनात्मक काम गर्न सकिन्थ्यो कि?' यस्तो सोच राख्ने सामाजिक सञ्जाल प्रयोगकर्तालाई ध्यानमा राखेर नयाँ सामाजिक सञ्जाल सु (  इन्टरनेट बजारमा आएको छ।

७० लाख अमेरिकी डलर कुल बजेटमा  अमेरिकाको न्युयोर्कबाट गत अक्टोबर १४ देखि सु सर्बजनिक गरिएको यसका संस्थापक सेबस्टियन सोबज्याकलाई उद्धृत गर्दै चर्चित टेक साइट रिकोर्ड डटनेटले लेखेको छ ।  सुमा एकाउन्ट बनाइसकेका साथीको सटकोर्ड प्रयोग गरेर (उदाहरणको लागि) नयाँ एकाउन्ट बनाउन सकिने यो सञ्जाल फेसबुक, ट्विटरका प्रयोगकर्तालाई खासै नौलो लाग्दैन।

स्टेटस अपडेट, लाइक, कमेन्ट, सेयर, म्यासेज, फ्रेन्ड रिक्वेस्ट, एसेप्ट, फलोलगायतका सुविधा यसमा छ। चर्चित खेलाडी एवं हलिउड  सेलिब्रेटीमार्फत प्रमोसन गराइरहेको सुले छोटो समयमै अमेरिका, भारत, ब्राजिल, श्रीलंका, अस्ट्रेलिया आदि लगायतबाट १० लाख प्रयोगकर्ता पाइसकेको छ ।

सुको आम्दानीको स्रोत अनलाइन विज्ञापन हो। अनलाइन विज्ञापनदाता कम्पनीको सहकार्यमा प्रयोगकर्ताको टाइमलाइनमा विज्ञापन देखाउने गर्छ। त्यसको कमाई प्रयोगकर्तासँग बाँड्ने सुले जनाएको छ।  सुको दाबीअनुसार कमाइको १० प्रतिशत साइट सञ्चालन गर्न खर्च गरिने, ९० प्रतिशत विभिन्न माध्यम र प्रक्रिया हुँदै प्रयोगकर्तालाई प्रदान गरिनेछ।

न्युनतम एकसय डलर कमाइ भइसकेपछि बैंक खातामा जम्मा गर्न सकिने जनाएको यो साइटले अमेरिकी बैकंमा एकाउण्ट नभएकाहरुले भने साथीको एकाउण्टमा ट्रान्सफर गरेर, सुमै अनलाइन विज्ञापन गरेर एवं च्यारिटीमा सहयोग गरेर खर्च गर्न सकिने उल्लेख गरेको छ ।
याँ click गरेर आफ्नो ID बनाउनु होस् (

Friday 14 November 2014

क्यान्डी क्रसका डेभलपर टमी कार्ल नेपालमा किन आए ?

कात्तिक २८- काठमाडौं,  युवादेखि बयस्कसम्मको बीच संसारभर लोकप्रिय टमी कार्ल पाल्म नेपाल आएका छन् । निजी क्षेत्रको मोवाइल सेवा प्रदायक कम्पनी एनसेलले टमीलाई नेपाल बोलाएको हो । एनसेलले आयोजना गरेको एनसेल एप क्याम्पमा छनोट भएका एक सय ५० एप डेभलपर टिमलाई मार्गदर्शन गर्न टमी नेपाल आएका हुन् ।

क्यान्डी क्रससँगै बनाएको किंग डट कमका गेम्स गुरु मानिने टमी एनसेल एप क्याम्प २०१४ अन्तर्गत भइरहेका क्षमता अभिवृद्धि सेमिनारमा सहभागि हुने छन् । संसारभर दस करोडभन्दा बढी डाउनलोड भएको र प्रत्येक दिन पाँच लाख डलर कमाइरहेको क्यान्डी क्रसको सफलतको पछाडि उनकै सोच र डिजाइन छ ।

कोमोडोर ६४ का लागि १९८६ देखि नै रुचिका रुपमा गेम्स प्रोग्राम्मिङ गर्दै आएका टमीले सन् १९९९ मा जेडस्टोन एबी नामक कम्पनी स्थापना गरेका थिए । उनी बिस्तारै विचार स्रष्टा तथा गेम डिजाइनरका रुपमा स्थापित भएको व्यक्ति हुन् । आजको नागरिक दैनिकमा खबर छ ।

Tuesday 4 November 2014

आफु मरेपछी आफ्नो फेसबुक र ट्विटर के हुन्छ ? थाहा पाउनुहोस्

मानिस सामाजिक प्राणी भएकै कारण उसले आफ्नो जीवन एक्लै व्यतित गर्न सक्दैनँ । मानिसहरुको यस्तै स्वभावलाई लक्षित गर्दै संसारका बुद्धिमान मानिसहरुले सामाजिक संजालको स्थापना गर्दै नाम र दाम दुबैमा निकै सफलता हात पारेका छन् । थुप्रै सामाजिक संजालमध्ये फेसबुक र ट्विटर अग्रपंक्तिमा आउँछन् । संसारका जुनसुकै कुनाका मानिसहरुलाई पनि फेसबुकको बारेमा पाठ पढाइराख्नु नपर्ला । फेसबुकप्रति मानिसहरु यति आकर्षित छन् कि मानिसहरु यसको अनुपस्थितीमा आफ्नो जीवन नै अधुरो रहेको भन्न पछि पर्दैनन् । बाँचुञ्जेल मानिसहरुले आफ्नो समय सामाजिक संजाल फेसबुक, ट्विटर, इन्स्टाग्राम आदि लाई देलान् तर तपाईंको मृत्युपछि तपाईंहरुको प्राणभन्दा प्यारो सामाजिक संजालको अवस्था के हुन्छ भन्ने अनुमान गर्नसक्नु हुन्छ ? आउनुहोस् थाहा पाऔँः

ट्वीटर प्रयोगकर्ताको मृत्यु भएमा उक्त अकाउन्ट डिलिट नभई डिएक्टिभेट गर्न सकिनेछ । त्यसैगरी, मृत व्यक्तिको प्रोफाइललाई मेमोरियल बनाउन वा त्यसमा रहेको भिडियो र तस्बिर डिलिट गर्न दिने नीति पनि ट्वीटरको छ ।

लिङ्क्डइन चलाउने प्रयोगकर्ताहरुको मृत्यु भएमा उक्त अकाउन्ट डिलिट गर्न सकिनेछ । मृतकका परिवारका सदस्यले यसबाट कुनै पनि जानकारी ट्रान्सफर गर्न सक्दैनन् तर प्रोफाइल डिलिट भने गर्न सक्नेछन् । 

फेसबुक प्रयोगकर्ता कसैको निधन भएमा उनको परिवारले उक्त अकाउन्ट सधैँको लागि डिलिट गर्ने सुविधा प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन् । तर अकाउन्टलाई भने परिवारका जोसुकै सदस्यले पनि चलाउन सक्नेछैनन् ।

Thursday 5 December 2013

How to remove your digital footprint from the Internet

In the past, if we wanted to know anything about our great grandparents, we only had a few old photographs and the various stories that were passed down from our parents to rely on.

Since the invention of the Internet, times have changed, however, and now you can find a virtual plethora of information on practically anyone at the touch of the button or the wave of a mouse.

From those romantic messages you share with that special someone on Facebook, to your personal financial information that you store online, you’re constantly leaving your own little mark on the Internet. Like walking along a vast beach in wet sand in your bare feet, your unique steps are all recorded somewhere, and all within the grasp of someone who has the power to demand them or the knowledge to access them by force.

This doesn’t stop when the end of the day comes and you turn off your laptop, put your phone on charge and go to bed either. Quite the contrary. While you are fast asleep, your digital footprint is swimming in the vast ocean, further and further afield with every day that passes.

If you haven’t given much thought to this until recently, you can’t be blamed either. After all, cybercrime has only risen in profile in recent years and as for mass surveillance, well, while we may have had our suspicions, we had nothing concrete until a certain Edward Snowden became the most famous whistle-blower on the planet.

How big is my footprint?

A good question and while it may seem almost impossible to answer this query, there is software that can help you answer it to some degree and get you on the path to erasing your digital footprint. The EMC2 Digital Footprint Calculator will require you to answer some questions about how much time you spend online surfing the net, chatting on social networks, even your phone usage and will “determine the rate at which you create digital information.”

If you have been very active online over the last few years, you may find this quite a task. Remember that social network you signed up for and never used, or the email account that you opened and discarded after you forgot your login details? Exactly.

Deactivate unused accounts

If you, like millions of other people, jumped ship from MySpace to Facebook in the last several years, you may or may not have deleted your old account. After all, at the time you may have been unsure as to whether you would stay, or even planned on using both together.

Well, if you haven’t already, now is the time to make a list of every site you’ve joined and account you’ve created and to start deleting them all. An important factor to remember is that deactivating is different to deleting, so you should look out for this when you get started.

Deleting your information from other sites

Depending on how active you’ve been, this can take a little while or a good deal longer. This can be done by completing forms or manually deleting any information that’s being held about you on various sites. Just type your name into Google and go from there. You may have to contact sites and ask them or do it, or to advise you how to delete said information.

If you have been as active as me, this could take days, or even weeks, so you may want to exercise some patience. There are also plenty of sites that will be happy to help you remove your data should you have any problems, one of which is Delete Me which works to have your data removed from sites that collect and sell your info. However, it will cost you between $99 - $159 per year, depending on if it’s just you or you want to carry out a digital cleanup for your partner as well.

Once you have done all you can to delete your digital footprint, you have two choices, to stay offline, which you probably won't want to do, or to keep on top of your digital footprint from now on. While sites like this will do what they can to help, you will now have to be proactive if you want to keep your footprint from spreading again.

Block search engines

A recent story that broke in the UK reported how the leading political parties were effectively erasing data from 2000 – 2010 using robot.txt to place search engine blockers for pages and parts of the sites they don’t want found, so as not to be held accountable for past promises etc. While we would rather our politicians just kept to their word, it’s not a bad idea if you have information on your website that you do not want to be picked up by search engines. However, this can be quite tricky for the lay person, so if you are looking to do this and you don’t have the expertise, you may want to employ the skills of a professional web designer.

Of course, you and I can simply delete web pages that are no longer relevant and simply place a 301 redirect in order to ensure that they are not indexed by the search engines. However, with information that’s supposed to be publically available, this isn’t possible in a democratic society, so they’re using web crawlers to ensure the information is very difficult to find in the first place and can’t be accessed via search engines.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is an easy way of keeping up to date on any information that is circulating with your name attached. If your name is John Brown, you may find that you’re getting thousands of emails regarding other people, so this is easier to use if your name is a little less popular.

The dreaded cookies

If you are particularly concerned about cookies you can go to the settings on your device and opt to block them completely. However, this isn’t viable for most of us as cookies are essential for using many sites, including Amazon and Facebook.

However, there is a do not track feature on most modern browsers, so if you can set your browser not to track, that will also help.

Most sites now give you the option when accessing them to allow cookies or not. If you prefer not to, simply say no and they won’t allow cookies while you are browsing.

When you have finished browsing, take the time to manually clear your cookies. This too can be done through your browser. If you are unsure how then it may be worth looking at Flash Cookie Cleaner as this will be able to help you do it more effectively. Temporary Internet files should also be cleared regularly in the options dialogue box of whichever browser you use.

An ongoing process

As you can see, deleting and controlling the spread of your personal information is an ongoing process. However, if it is very important to you, there is a chance that you will be able to vastly reduce the amount of information that is readily available about you on the Internet. Except, of course, that which has already been collected by various government agencies and that which is being held elsewhere.

Is your stolen Facebook password on this list?

According to the BBC, the passwords of more than 2 million Facebook and Yahoo users have been stolen and posted online. In what seems like yet another victory for cyber criminals, the BBC believes that this is likely to have happened at a time when devices were infected with malware and recorded “logged key presses.”

According to Spider Labs, this malware collected passwords rapidly, peaking at more than 150,000 per day at one point. While the US was one of the nations whose citizens were attacked, the country only ranked 6th with under 900 reports. However, it would appear that citizens of Netherlands were less fortunate with more than 1 million on the list.

Keystroke logging

Logged key presses, also known as keystroke logging, occurs when a device is infected with malware. The device can then be monitored so that the order in which the keys are pressed is recorded, thus noting passwords and other important information.

How else can your details be stolen

As you can imagine, cybercriminals are constantly upping their game, looking for more and more ingenious ways to acquire the details of unsuspecting consumers. Facebook and email login details, as well as bank accounts, featured high on their list of targets. There are numerous ways that they can steal our data without us ever being aware that they have. Well, at least until bank accounts are checked, or we get various connected accounts hacked.

Public computers

Not just Internet café’s, but anywhere there is a public computer, you have to be very careful if you are planning on accessing your Facebook page. If the box for “keep me logged in” is ticked, you could easily have your details stolen in the blink of an eye. Not to mention what could be posted in your name.

The false login

Have you ever read an article or seen a video that you want to share with your friends on Facebook? This is just one of several ways that hackers can steal your login details. By redirecting you to a different page that looks just like Facebook, you could easily hand over your login details of your own free will.

How to protect yourself

Well, the first and most important rule is to always be vigilant. As cybercrime becomes more sophisticated, it’s becoming harder and harder to spot the difference between a real page and a false one, so you need to keep your eyes on the game.

Use anti-virus software

This may sound obvious, however, many people don’t bother with satisfactory anti-virus software. For those who do, it’s also only too easy to let it run out and forget to update straightaway. If yours has run out, then it’s vital to have it updated immediately. It’s also necessary to have layers of protection these days, so ensure that your router password is changed from the default and that you have firewall and identity-theft protection.

Only use secure sites

Whether you’re shopping online or live-streaming television, don’t use a site unless it’s secure. If in doubt, Google it and see what others say on forums about it before going any further.

Password security

The amount of people that use “password” or “123456” as their password is incredible. If you use any on this list, change it now. What’s more, while it’s easy to use the same password for every account and device you use, it only increases the danger of you being caught out. Set a different password for everything you use and if needs be, use a password manager for extra safety. There are plenty available online from reputable companies, so pick one that you trust and do it today.

If you’re lucky, you won’t be on this list of stolen passwords and your account is still safe. However, it may only be matter of time - don’t leave it until tomorrow, act now and change your online behavior and your passwords to ensure that it doesn’t happen to you.

Cybercrime is now the most lucrative crime in the world, ranking higher than the international drugs trade. As such, the Internet is full of criminals looking to exploit every possible opportunity. Only by exercising constant vigilance and care you can avoid becoming a victim.

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