Monday 17 November 2014

श्रीमानलाई वलात्कार गर्न लगाएर लाईभ सेक्स हेर्ने यी कस्ती महिला ?

 भारतको बैंगलोरमा एउटा अचम्मको बलात्कारको घटना सार्वजनिक भएको छ । अरु व्यक्तिले सेक्स गरेको देख्दा आनन्द लाग्ने भएका कारण एक महिलामाथि श्रीमानलाई छिमेकीको बलात्कार गर्न उक्साएको आरोप लागेको छ । जो महिलाको दुईपटक बलात्कार भएको छ, ती महिला आरोपी महिलाको निकै मिल्ने साथी भएको बताइएको छ । पिडित महिलाको उजुरीका आधारमा २६ वर्षका दिलिप र उनकी २५ वर्षीया श्रीमती आशा जालाहल्लीलाई पुलिसले पक्राउ गरेको छ । पाँच वर्षकी छोरी भएकी २६ वर्षीया पिडित महिलाले छिमेकमा बस्ने आफ्नै मिल्ने साथीले श्रीमानमार्फत बलात्कार गर्न लगाएको आरोप लगाएकी छिन् । दुबै परिवारबिच निकै राम्रो सम्बन्ध भएको बताइएको छ ।

पिडित महिलाको अनुसार बलात्कार हुने कहि दिन अघि मात्र आशाले उनीसँग पोर्नोग्राफीको बारेमा खुलेर कुरा गरेको र उनलाई अरुले सेक्स गरेको हेर्दा निकै आनन्द आउने बताएकी थिइन् ।उनको श्रीमानलाई बलत्कार गर्न लगाएर भिडियो समेत खिचिरहेकी थीइन्  पिडितले यस प्रकारको कुरा नगर्न आग्रह गर्दा पनि यस्तै प्रकारको कुरा गरिरहने उनले जानकारी दिइन् ।

 २७ जुलाई बेलुका साढे नौबजे आशाले पिडितालाई कुनै कामले घरमा बोलाइन् र सेक्सुअल फ्यान्टासीको बारेमा कुरा गर्न थालिन् । आशाले पिडितालाई आफ्नो श्रीमानलाई सहयोग गर्नसमेत आग्रह गरेको बताइन् । आशाले उनलाई ‘लाइभ सेक्स’ हेर्न मनलागेको समेत बताइन् । खतराको संकेत पाएपछि पिडिताले त्यहाँबाट निस्कने खोजेको तर आशाले उनलाई बेडरुममा बन्द गरेर श्रीमानलाई बलात्कारको लागि उक्साएको बताइन् ।

 आरोप छ कि जतिबेला दिलिप बलात्कार गरिरहेका थिए, आशा हेरिरहेकी थिइन् । दिलिपले पिडितलाई दुईपटक बलात्कार गरेको र यो बारेमा कसैलाई पनि केहि नभन्न चेतावनी दिएको समेत पिडिताले जानकारी दिइन् । डराएकी पिडिताले यो बारेमा कसैलाई पनि केहि पनि बताइनन् । तर फेरि केहि दिनपछि आरोपी श्रीमान श्रीमतीले पिडितामाथि त्यस्तै घटना दोहोराउने मनसाय प्रकट गर्दा यसपटक भने पिडिताले सबै घटनाक्रम आफ्नो श्रीमानलाई बताइन् र भोलीपल्ट उनीहरुविरुद्ध उजुरी दर्ता भएको पुलिसले जानकारी दिएको छ । (एजेन्सी)

A 27-year-old cable TV operator allegedly raped his neighbour at the behest of his wife only to satisfy her fetish of watching 'live sex', the Bangalore Police said. Both Dileep and his wife Asha, 25, are behind the bars while the victim, a homemaker, is undergoing medical tests. According to the police, the incident took place on July 27 at the couple's home in Chikkabanawara near Defence Enclave of Jalahalli. The victim lodged a police complaint on August 11 after her husband learnt about the incident from her. Asha's fetish for porn was known in the neighbourhood, the police said. The victim was a close friend of Asha and stayed next door. The two women have five-year-old kids each. In the past, Asha had discussed about her fantasies several times with the victim.

Sleuths said Asha would often coax the victim to watch porn. She had reportedly discussed with the victim her desire to watch 'live sex' after she read about such shows. Since then, the victim maintained a distance from Asha. But Asha had made up her plan and invited the victim at home around 9.30 pm on July 27 for some household chore. There, Asha, reportedly asked the victim to 'cooperate' with her husband and fulfil her desire to watch 'live sex', the police said. The couple overpowered the victim and locked her in a room. Later, Dileep allegedly raped the victim her in front of his wife in the bedroom. Dileep and Asha allegedly threatened to kill the victim's husband if she revealed the incident to him. Though the victim stayed away from Asha and the accused, the couple reportedly approached her again on August 11 asking her to 'cooperate' with them. This time, the victim immediately brought the matter to the notice of her husband following which they approached the police.

The Bangalore police arrested the couple the next day. Dileep was booked under Section 376 (rape) while his wife has been charged under Section 114 (abettor present when offence is committed) of the IPC. Both have also been charged under Section 506 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC. Further investigation is on

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