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Showing posts with label sport. Show all posts

Saturday 9 January 2016

मेस्सीको हृयाट्रिकसँगै बार्सिलोना शीर्ष स्थानमा उक्लियो

लिओनल मेस्सीको हृयाट्रिकको मदतमा ग्रानाडामाथि सहज जित हात पार्दै बार्सिलोना स्पेनिस ला लिग फुटबलको शीर्ष स्थानमा फर्किएको छ ।
शनिबार राति भएको खेलमा बार्सिलोनाले ग्रानाडालाई ४-० गोल अन्तरले पराजित गरेको हो ।
घरेलु मैदानमा नाउक्याम्पमा भएको खेलमा मेस्सीले सुरुवाति दुई गोल १४ मिनेटभित्रै गरेका थिए । हृयाट्रिक गोल भने दोस्रो हाफमा मात्र सम्भव भएको थियो ।

बार्सिलोनाले ८ औं मिनेटमा मेस्सीको गोलबाट अग्रता लिएको थियो । १४ औं मिनेटमा दोस्रो गोल गरे । बार्सिलोनाले पहिलो हाफमा थप गोल गर्ने केही अवसर सदुरुपयोग गर्न सकेन ।
दोस्रो हाफको ५८ औं मिनेटमा मेस्सीले हृयाट्रिक पुरा गरे । फिफा बालोन डि’ओरको घोषणा हुनु अघि मेस्सीले हृयाट्रिक गरेका हुन् ।
खेलको ८३ औं मिनेटमा नेयमारले गोल गरेपछि बार्सिलोना ४-० ले विजयी भएको छ । जितसँगै बार्सिलोना १८ खेलबाट ४२ अंकसहित शीर्ष स्थानमा उब्लिएको छ
दोस्रो स्थानमा रहेको एथ्लेटिको मड्रिडको ४१ अंक छ भने तेस्रो स्थानमा रहेको रियल मड्रिडको ४० अंक छ र, उसले एक खेल बढी खेलेको छ ।

जिदानको पहिलो खेलमा बेलको हृयाट्रिक

 प्रशिक्षकका रुपमा जिनेदान जिदानको पहिलो खेलमा रियल मड्रिडले ग्यारेथ बेलले हृयाट्रिकको मद्दतमा डिपोर्टिभोमाथि सहज जित हात पारेको छ ।

शनिबार राति भएको खेलमा रियल मड्रिडले डिपोर्टिभोलाई ५-० गोल अन्तरले पराजित गरेको हो ।

रियल मड्रिडले १५ औं मिनेटमा करिम बेन्जिमाको गोलबाट अग्रता लिएको थियो । क्लबका लागि लिगमा उनको यो १०० औं गोल थियो ।

२२ औं मिनेटमा बेलले खाता खोले । दोस्रो हाफको चौथो मिनेटमा नै व्यक्तिगत दोस्रो गोल गरेका बेलले ६३ औं मिनेटमा हृयाट्रिक पुरा गरे ।

खेलको अन्तिममा बेन्जिमाले दोस्रो गोल गरेपछि रियल मड्रिड ५-० गोल अन्तरले विजयी भएको छ ।

जितसँगै रियल मड्रिडले तेस्रो स्थानमा रहेको ४० अंक भएको छ र लिग लिडर बार्सिलोना भन्दा २ अंकले मात्र पछाडि छ । तर, रियलले एक खेल बढी खेलेको छ ।

Friday 24 October 2014

डिभिजन थ्रीमा नेपालको पहिलो जित, बर्मूडा ८ विकेटले पराजित

आईसीसी वर्ल्ड क्रिकेट लिग डिभिजन थ्रीमा नेपालले पहिलो जित हात पारेको छ । आफ्नो पहिलो खेलमा युगाण्डासँग २० रनले पराजित भएको नेपालले बर्मूडालाई ८ विकेटले पराजित गरेको छ ।

जितपछि कप्तान पारस खड्काले भनेका छन्-‘बलरहरुले राम्रो प्रदर्शन गरे, व्याट्सम्यानहरुले पनि आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी पूरा गरे ।  हाम्रो टीमको क्षमता भएकै यहि हो । यो प्रदर्शनलाई दोहोर्‍याउनुपर्छ हामीले ।’

सेलोङ्गोर टर्फ क्लबमा बमूर्डाले दिएको १०१ रनको लक्ष्य नेपालले मात्र ११.१ ओभरमा २ विकेटको क्षतिमा भेट्टायो । राम्रो सुरुवात गरेको नेपालले २१ रन बनाउँदा पहिलो विकेटका रुपमा नरेश बुढायरलाई गुमाएको थियो ।

तर, नेपालको पारी सुवास खकुरेल र विनोद भण्डारीले सम्हाले । सुवास र विनोदले ५५ रनको साझेदारी गर्दै नेपालको जितको आधार तयार पारे ।
विनोद ४३ रनमा अविजित रहे । आक्रमक व्याटिङ गरेका विनोदले ३१ बलमा आठ चौका र एक छक्का हाने । सुवास ३० रनमा आउट भए । २२ बलको सामना गरेका उनले चार चौका र एक छक्का हानेका थिए ।

कप्तान पारस खड्का १४ रनमा अविजित रहे । सात बलको सामना गरेका उनले दुई चौका हानेका थिए ।

यसअघि टस हारेर व्याटिङको निम्तो पाएको बर्मूडाले ४०.१ ओभरमा १०० रन जोड्दा सबै विकेट गुमाएको थियो ।

नेपाली बलरहरु हावी भएको खेलमा बर्मूडाका ७ जनाले दोहोरो अंक जोड्न सकेनन् । उसका लागि क्रिष्टेनले २८ रन जोडे ।
नेपालका अमृत भट्टराई, बसन्त रेग्मी र शक्ति गौचनले समान २/२ विकेट लिए भने सोमपाल कामी र सागर पुनले १/१ विकेट लिएका छन् । बिनोद म्यान अफ दि म्याच भएका छन् ।

नेपालको अागामी भेट सिंगापुरसँग अाइतबार हुने छ ।

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Thursday 23 October 2014

डिभिजन थ्री क्रिकेटमा नेपालको खराव सुरुवात, युगाण्डासँग २० रनले पराजित

नेपालले आईसीसी वर्ल्ड क्रिकेट लिग डिभिजन थ्रीमा खराव सुरुवात गरेको छ ।

उपाधि रक्षाको लक्ष्यका साथ मलेसिया आएको नेपाली टोली पहिलो खेलमा युगाण्डासँग २० रनले पराजित भएको छ ।
किनरारा ओभलमा टस जितेर नेपालले फिल्डिङ रोज्यो ।

पहिले व्याटिङको निम्तो पाएको युगाण्डाले ५० ओभरमा ८ विकेट गुमाएर २०३ रन बनाएको थियो । २३ रन बनाउँदा ५ विकेट गुमाएको युगाण्डाको पारी मुकोबी र मासबाले सम्हालेका थिए ।

छैटौं विकेटका लागि मुकोबी र मासबाले २३७ रनको साझेदारी गरे । मुकोबी ८४ र मासबा ५१ रनमा आउट भए ।cricket1
नेपालका कप्तान पारस खड्काले विकेट लिए भने सोमपाल कामी र बसन्त रेग्मीले समान २/२ विकेट हात पारे । सागर पुनले १ विकेट लिए ।

जवाफमा मैदान उत्रिएको नेपालले ४८.५ ओभरमा १८३ रन बनाउँदा सबै विकेट गुमायो । नेपाली व्याट्सम्यानहरुले टिकेर खेल्न सकेनन् । नरेश बुढायरले १२२ बलमा चार चौका र १ छक्काको मदतमा ६२ रन बनाए ।

सुवास खकुरेल, शरद भेसवाकर र सागर पुनले समान २२/२२ रन बनाए । ज्ञोनन्द्र मल्ल र पारस खड्का १४/१४ रनमा आउट भए भने बसन्त रेग्मीले १० रन जोडे ।

मेहबुब आलम र विनोद भण्डारी समान ४/४ रनमा आउट भए । शक्ति गौचनले खाता नै खोल्न सकेनन् भने सोमपाल कामी १ रनमा अविजित रहे ।

Thursday 28 November 2013

ICC T20 Qualifiers Nepal Vs Hong Kong – Live Cricket Match

Nepal vs Hongkong, live cricket live showw

Watch exclusive ICC T20 Qualifier match between Nepal Vs Hong Kong Live broadcasting from Dubai online.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

टेनिस खेलाडी जेलेनाले खुलेआम टेनिस कोर्टमानै पेन्टी परिन भिडियो सहित

Jelena Dokić; born Osijek, SFR Yugoslavia on 12 April 1983) is an Australian female professional tennis player.

During the height of her career, she played for Federal Republic of Yugoslavia reached a career-high ranking of World No. 4 on 19 August 2002. After several family-related difficulties (mostly involving her father[1][2][3]), she slowly slipped down the rankings in 2006. She made a serious return to tennis in 2008, and after winning three ITF tournaments that year, rose to World No. 187 going into the 2009 Australian Open. She finished 2009 in the top 100, but declined later in 2010. Her 2011 season has seen a resurgence in Dokic's form and abilities.[4]

The highlights of Dokic's career include reaching the semifinals at Wimbledon and the Sydney Olympics in 2000 and reaching the quarterfinals at the French Open in 2002 and the Australian Open in 2009. Other highlights include beating several former World No. 1 players: Martina Hingis in the first round of Wimbledon in 1999, Venus Williams at the 2000 Italian Open and Kim Clijsters at the 2003 Zürich Open. Other high-calibre players whom Dokic has defeated include Caroline Wozniacki, Jelena Janković, Monica Seles, Justine Henin, Amélie Mauresmo, Mary Pierce, Elena Dementieva, Francesca Schiavone, Anna Chakvetadze and Jennifer Capriati.

Dokic is also one of the few women on the WTA tour who has won WTA-Tier Tournaments on all surfaces: hard, clay, grass and carpet.

Monday 25 November 2013

योनीको आकार को स्टेडियम बनेपछि कतारमा हंगामा !!

-"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."

-"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination."

-"t's just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I beat people up."

-"When my time on Earth is gone, and my activities here are past, I want them to bury me upside down, and my critics can kiss my ass."

Saturday 16 November 2013

Legend Tendulkar tearfully bows out from the game

Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar wept as he left the pitch for the final time on Saturday after his 200th Test match, ending a glittering career spanning nearly a quarter of a century.
Sachin TendulkarThe master batsman, who has god-like popularity across India, waved to thousands of cheering fans and wiped tears from his eyes as he left the field through a guard of honour formed by his teammates at Mumbai's Wankhede stadium.

At the age of 40, Tendulkar is retiring from the game as the world's leading scorer in both Test and one-day cricket and the only batsman to score 100 international centuries.

To the disappointment of his ardent followers, the "Little Master" only batted for one innings during the match in his hometown against the West Indies, failing to clinch a fairytale final century when he was out for 74 on Friday.

His dismissal was met by a stunned silence followed by a standing ovation from the stands, where the crowds had cheered his every run with deafening roars, television broadcasts showed.

An Indian youth walks past a huge poster saluting cricketer Sachin Tendulkar on the facade of a shop in Mumbai on November 13, 2013

Spectators nevertheless praised his final performance, which included 12 well-timed boundaries to remind them of the best that Tendulkar has produced since his international debut in 1989.

"His 74 runs captured all we have come to love and celebrate about him," said a piece in the Hindustan Times daily, with the headline: "Thank you, thank you, thank you".

"A billion dreams end," said the Times of India.

The star's wheelchair-bound mother, Rajni, watched her son bat in person for the first time after a special ramp was built for her at the stadium for his final match. She had previously worried her presence may bring her son bad luck.

Tendulkar failed to score a Test century in the last 40 innings of his career, with the final of his 51 Test tons coming nearly three years ago in January 2011 against South Africa.

His declining powers in recent years had led some to suggest he should have retired earlier, but such criticism failed to dent his superstar status among India's 1.2 billion people.

Global cricketing greats Brian Lara and Shane Warne flew in to join Indian politicians, corporate leaders and Bollywood stars at Wankhede for Tendulkar's emotional swansong.

Due to an ongoing dispute between media groups and the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), Agence France-Presse was unable to provide coverage of the match.

Thursday 22 August 2013

English talent gets left behind as Premier League keeps importing

The conversation taking place in a cramped corridor at the Stadium of  Light had turned to the lack of English players on view on Saturday afternoon. Martin Jol barely paused for thought before answering a perennially vexed question. 'It's a problem,' said Fulham's manager. There were only four in the starting XIs as Sunderland were beaten 1-0 by Jol's side - Jack Colback and Adam Johnson for Sunderland and Kieran Richardson and Steve Sidwell for Fulham - but Jol's shrug was one of resignation rather than indifference. "That's typical for the Premier League,' said the Dutchman, at the end of a day which helped mark a record low in terms of the number of English players starting top-flight games on the season's opening weekend.

Rewind to the first day of the inaugural Premier League season in August 1992 and 177 players – or 73.1% – featuring in first XIs held English nationality. The weekend just gone has seen that figure plummet to 75, or 34.1%. The decrease has left the Premier League in a position where it fields significantly fewer indigenous players than Spain's La Liga, Germany Bundesliga, Italy's Serie A or France's Ligue Oneother major leagues around Europe.

Since Coventry in 1992 has a Premier League side kicked off a campaign with an all-English XI but things have reached the point where, of the 61 signings who have cost the elite division's 20 clubs a transfer fee this summer, only 12 have involved Englishmen. The reasons for this growing disconnect are myriad and complex but the situation is exacerbated by the reality that those English players who do smash through our game's "glass ceiling" command radically inflated transfer fees.

Gary Neville, the former Manchester United and England right-back, has acknowledged that, were he starting his career today, he would probably have found himself crowded out of the Old Trafford first-team picture by overseas imports. In an ideal world Neville would like to see positive discrimination for British talent in the form of a quota system.
'Seven or eight years ago at Tottenham I had Michael Dawson, Jermaine Jenas, Aaron Lennon, Tom Huddlestone, all English guys,' Jol said. "But it is impossible to do that nowadays because they are so expensive.'

This idea of potentially good English players becoming lost in the system during an era of foreign managers and reduced domestic scouting networks is something that particularly concerns Alan Pardew. "We all have to abide by rules but the rules aren't fixed so that we have to play English players," said Newcastle United's manager, who could field virtually a complete team of high-quality French players sourced at comparative bargain prices.

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