Showing posts with label nepali model. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nepali model. Show all posts

Friday 7 November 2014

मोडेल सम्झना भन्छिन् ‘पुरुषसँग मात्र हैन महिलासँग पनि सेक्स गरेको लामो अनुभव पनि छ’

काठमाण्डौ । नेपाली कलाक्षेत्रमा ख्याति कमाउन कलाकारले तीन कुरा अंगाल्ने गरेका छन् । पहिलो हो आफ्नो क्षमता । क्षमताले भ्याएसम्म आफुलाई अब्बल देखाउन खोज्दछन् । कला क्षमता कमजोर भए रुप रंगबाट अगाडी आउने गर्दछ । त्यसले पनि भनेजस्तो बजार पाउन नसके सेक्सको सहारा लिने गर्दछन् । यो बुझाई आम नागरिकको मात्र नभई कलाक्षेत्रमा दशकौ समय लागेका कलाकारको पनि हो ।
 त्यही भएर होला कुनै समय नेपाली लोक दोहरी गितको म्युजिकमा जताततै छाउने सम्झना बुढाथोकी यतिबेला सेक्स सम्बाद गरेर चर्चामा आउन थालेकी छन् । कुनै समय नेपाल प्रहरीको

श्रीमानसँग डिभोर्स भएपछि नृत्य निर्देशक शंकर विसीको संगतमा परेकी सम्झनाले सेक्स जीवनका बारेमा निकै खुलेर कुरा गर्ने गरेकी छिन् । आफुले थुप्रै आसनमा सेक्सको अनुभव लिएको र हरेक पटक फरक फरक आशसनमा सेक्स गर्दा सेक्सको स्वाद वढी हुनेगरेको बताएकी छिन । मनमिलेपछि सेक्स ठुलो कुरा नभएको भन्दै सम्वन्धलाई पछिसम्म कायम राख्न पनि सेक्स बिहेअघि गर्न सकिने संझनाको भनाइ छ । तेस्रो लिंगी र मुख मैथुन जस्ता अप्राकृतिक यौन सम्पर्कलाई समेत मनले सन्तुष्ट भए सबै तरिका ठिक भनेकी संझनाले पुरुषसंग त सेक्स अनुभव गरेकि छिन यसमा विवाद रहेन तर महिलासंग समेत जायज भन्ने संझनाको महिला सेक्स पार्टनर भने खुल्न सकेको छैन ।
जागिरे समेत भएकि सम्झनाको पहिलो प्रेम र विबाह वियोगान्तमा टुङगीएको छ । श्रीमानसँग सम्बन्ध बिच्छेद गरेपछि मोडेलका रुपमा चर्चा आएकि सम्झनाले सेक्सका बारेमा खुलेर कुरा गर्न थालेकी छिन् । हुन त नेपाली चलचित्रमै ब्लुफिल्म शैलिका  यौनका दृश्य, यौनसम्पर्क गरिसकेको छु, यौन सम्पर्क दालभात जस्तै हो जस्ता भद्दा यौन सम्वाद नछाएको होइन ।

Sunday 26 January 2014

How many of them are posing for ‘works of art?

How many of them are posing for ‘works of art’? Probably, none.
How many of the internet models are ‘promoting fashion clothing’ or other product ? A very small number of them, I believe.
Some of you might say that the definition of model, in this digital age, is changed. I agree, and I also believe so. But, there is still something amiss, odd, or awkward on the way our modeling industry is shaping up. I have lost track of the beauty contests, being held every other day — and I won’t be writing about them anymore unless they are ‘big enough’ like Miss Nepal. These ‘model manufacturing’ contests might be one of the reason there are so many models around. 

Saturday 11 January 2014

सितालाई कस्ले खेलाउने सेक्सी फिल्म ? (फोटोफिचर सहित)
 पछिल्लो समय नेपाली फिल्ममा कला हैन कथाले मागे अनुसार दिने कलाकारको विगविगी छ । कथाले माग्यो भन्दैमा अर्धनग्न हुन पछि नपर्ने युवतीले फिल्म क्षेत्रलाई बदनाम गरेको आरोप एकथरीको छ । सेक्सी फिल्म ‘चपली हाइट’ चलेपछि दर्जन बढी उस्तै थिममा फिल्म निर्माण भए । न सेक्सी फिल्म हिट भए न कथाले मागे अनुसारको दृश्य दिएका कलाकार नै चले । यद्पी सेक्सी फिल्म खेलेर चर्चा कमाउनेहरुको आगमनमा भने कमी आएको छैन । म्युजिक भिडियो मोडल सिता लामाले पनि सेक्सी फिल्म खेलेर चर्चा कमाउने ईच्छा व्यक्त गरेकी छिन् । एक अनलाइनमा वन पिस र हट पेन्टमा हट फोटोसुट गराउँदै उनले आफुलाई ‘चपली हाइट’ जस्तो फिल्ममा अभिनय गर्न कुनै आपत्ती नहुने बताएकी हुन् । नाम नसुनिएका केही नेपाली तथा तामाङ भाषाको फिल्ममा समेत अभिनय गरेको बताउने सिताले भनेकी छिन्- ‘यो २१ औं शताब्दीमा यौन विषयका फिल्म बन्नु कुनै नौलो होइन । यस्तो फिल्ममा भूमिका पाए म पनि अभिनय गर्छु ।’ काठमाडौंको स्वयम्भुमा कस्मेटीक व्यवसाय सञ्चालन गर्दै आएकी सिता लामाको यस खालको अभिव्यत्तीले नेपाली फिल्मका कलाकारप्रतिको हेराई र सोचाई कस्तो होला ? यो क्षेत्रमा सपना बुनेर दिनरात संघर्ष गर्ने कलाकारले यसरी नाङ्गिन आउने कलाकारको भिडमा आफूलाई कसरी उभ्याउलान् ? के यि कलाकारले नेपाली फिल्मप्रतिको धारणामा नकारात्मक सन्देश प्रवाह गर्दैनन् ?

Friday 27 December 2013

Sagun Shahi- Hot and Sexy New Nepali Model and Actress 2013-2014

A beautiful model Sagun Shahi was taking dance training in Surkhet when she was selected to be featured in the movie ‘Dhuwani’ during the audition held there. The director Pitembar Pandey is credited for giving her a break in his movie ‘Dhuwani’ last year.
Sagun hadn’t expected she would get a leading role in a movie so fast. After the completion of the movie, Sagun expected to get roles in other movies and moved to Kathmandu. But, Sagun’s debut movie ‘Dhuwani’ flopped and she couldn’t get roles in other movies.

When she couldn’t get any opportunities in movies she it wasn’t easy to cover the cost of living in Kathmandu. It was tough to cover the cost of living in the costly city. She also started dancing in lok-dohori to cover the cost. The profession paid enough to pay the rent and other costs. Apart from dancing she is also featured in numerous music videos.

These days, Sagun is also featured in a television serial ‘Bhadragol’. She however is still waiting for another opportunity to be featured in a movie.

Sagun Shahi profile :

    Name – Sagun Shahi
    Hometown – Surkhet
    Debut movie – Dhuwani, 2013
    Featured in – movie, music video, television serial

Hot and Sexy photo clips of Model "Sagun Shahi"

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Sabina Gurung Nepali Hot Model
 Sabina Gurung Nepali Hot Model from pokhara.She is one of the famous model of 2012 featured by thik thak dot com.Sabina Grung gives Hot posses on one piece and she would love to be hot nepali model.Sabina Gurung also want to be a actress in Nepali Movies.Till now we havent seen her in Nepali Movies but hope to see her soon in Nepali movies aslo.

Monday 25 November 2013

New Nepali Bikini Model Parbati Rai Sexy Looks

Parbati Rai Nepali model is now the hottest and sexy bikini model from Nepal. Her curve and sexy body is her main attraction. Parbati Rai want to be a successful model and also want to be established in Nepali movie industry also.She thinks guys are attracted from her sexy and bold curve.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Binita Baral Photo Shoot

Binita Baral is a new actress in Nepali film industries.
You can watch her  latest upcoming movie “Superhit” which is going to release in chaitra 2069. Here is some photo shoot of Binita Baral.

Baby Thapa Hot and Sexy Nepali Model Photo Shoot

Baby Thapa Hot and Sexy Nepali Model Photo Shoot

Baby Thapa is Hot, Sexy and Glamorous Model from Nepal.

Barsha Bhusal Hot and Sexy Nepali Model Photo Shoot

Barsha Bhusal is Hot and Sexy Nepali Model from Nepal. Watch her sexy photos and judge yourself how hot she is.

Arunima Lama Nepali Model Hot and Sexy Photo

Arunima Lama is Hot and Sexy Nepali Model from Nepal. Watch her Sexy Photos

Click Down to play video

Alisha Manandhar को मनै पगाल्ने ईमेज फोटो शूट

Watch photo shoot of Nepali Model Alisha Manandhar in Emag Photo shoot online.

Emag Photo shoot with Alisha Manandhar – Watch Online

Alisha Manandhar को मनै पगाल्ने ईमेज फोटो शूट
Watch photo shoot of Nepali Model Alisha Manandhar in Emag Photo shoot online.
Emag Photo shoot with Alisha Manandhar – Watch Online

Asmita KC को मनै पगाल्ने ईमेज फोटो शूट

Watch Emag Photo Shoot with Nepali model Asmita KC online as shown on Image Channels.

Asmita KC को मनै पगाल्ने ईमेज फोटो शूट

Watch Emag Photo Shoot with Nepali model Asmita KC online as shown on Image Channels.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Etna Karki – Watches blue film to be fresh

 Model and a entrepreneur Etna Karki is one more broad-minded model who can speak her feelings freely like Smita Thapa, Sonia KC, or Baby Thapa. In an interview with a weekly Shukrabar, Etna told about her personal preferences. She has openly told about her preference of sex (not commonly admitted by Nepali girls). Following is an unofficial translation of the interview.


Q: What do you feel when somebody says you are sexy?

Etna Karki : I feel good. It is good to be sexy in somebody else’s eyes. If somebody says I am sexy, I say, "thank you".

Q: Some think sex is a day-to-day thing and don’t give much importance.

Etna Karki :I don’t think sex is that simple. It is totally dependent on one’s feelings.

Q: Why is sex required?

Etna Karki : After you cross certain age, you need sex to remain healthy physically and mentally. Sex has been practice since ancient time. If somebody undermines it’s importance they are pessimist.

Q: Do you have experiences of sex ?

Etna Karki :Yes of course… with my boyfriend.

Q: Have you watched blue film?

Etna Karki :Yes, I have watched. I was 17 year-old when I watched the first film. I was very excited after watching the movie. These days, I do watch them sometimes and be fresh after watching them.

Q: Should prostitution be legalized?

Etna Karki :Yes it should be. If prostitutes are given license to practice, society crime reduces. In other countries, is a simple thing

Seems Like Nepali Lesbian Models Jiya KC and Soniya
 Seems Like Nepali Lesbian Models Jiya KC and Soniya
The Models Jiya KC and Soniya are the actresses of Nepali Movie ATM which was banned due to the language and scenes in it.Its was the big controversy of nepali movie industry.Both models Jiya Kc and sonia gives the posses like lesbian nepali models.What do you guys think about it please share your opinion.

The Nepali-language film industry, is called Kollywood (or Kaliwood as an alternate spelling) in Nepal.

The Nepali-language film industry, is called Kollywood (or Kaliwood as an alternate spelling) in Nepal. The making of Nepali films is said to have begun with D. B. Pariyar'sSatya Harishchandra, which was the first Nepali language film to be shot. It was produced from Kolkata, India, and was released on September 14, 1951. Aama (meaning mother) was the first film produced in Nepal, and was released on October 7, 1964. It was produced by the Information Department of His Majesty's Government Of Nepal (now Government of Nepal). It was directed by Hira Singh Khatri and the lead actors were Shiva Shankar Manandhar and Bhuwan Thapa, who are regarded as the first actors in the history of the Nepali film industry. The first film to be produced under a private banner was Maitighar (meaning the birth home of a girl), which was released at the end of 1966 by Sumonanjali Films Pvt. Ltd. Although it was a Nepali movie, it had many Indians contributing toward the making of the film. Mala Sinha had the lead role, along with C P Lohani, whom she later married. It had special appearances of Sunil Dutt and comedian Rajendra Nath. Directed by B S Thapa and music scored by Jaidev, a veteran music maestro, it had Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Usha Mangeshkar, and Manna Dey, all of them established Indian singers, doing the playback-singing along with the household names of Nepali music, like Narayan Gopal, Prem Dhoj Pradhan, C P Lohani, and Aruna Lama.

Then the government established the Royal Nepal Film Corporation in 1971. Mann Ko Bandh was the first film produced by the Corporation. Prakesh Thapa was the director of the film. Nati Kaji and Shiva Shankar were the music composers of the songs. Amber Gurung scored the background music. The film premiered in 1973 in Kathmandu. Mann Ko Bandh was followed by Kumari (the first Eastman color Nepali film) in 1977, Sindoor in 1980, and Jeevan Rekha in series. The success of these films opened up avenue for private parties to enter into filmmaking as industrial endeavor.

By 2006, as the situation in Nepal calmed down and with Maoists coming into mainstream politics, the Nepali film industry started to return to its previous state. Now, more and more films are being made and released. The production companies and those in the industry are enthusiastic about the country's new situation. The return of peace in the country has opened more venues for the shooting of the films, and the industry is seen to be making good use of this time to revive the image of the industry.

The Film Development Board (FDB) was established by the Government of Nepal for the development and promotion of the Nepali Film Industry. But recently it has not created an environment of supporting and also the promotion of different aspects of motion-picture production in Nepal. The Board is a liaison to facilitate the conceptualization, making, distribution, and exhibition of Nepali films nationally, it is not able to promote the films in the inter national market and the main thing is that this board is not serious enough to send Nepali films into the international market. It also attempts to bridge the gap between film entrepreneurship and government bureaucracy. However, the Board is bound to take care of interests of the people and support the interest for inspiring films from the common populace. The Board is a balance between the people at large, the government, and the process of filmmaking. It is, therefore, the safeguard of the interests of the people, the watchdog of the government, and the advocate of filmmakers.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Smita Thapa’s Advertisement or an Interview

There was a very hot interview of a model, Smita Thapa, in Saptahik, the sister publication of Nepal’s top newspaper, Kantipur. The interview titled “I need a man not a husband” claims that the model Smita Thapa uses men as toys and she uses men only for her sexual needs. Claiming to be the first public revelation of her private life, Smita talks about her decade long sex life. Smita started revealing more details of her sex life as the whiskey she was drinking took control of her.
In a startling revelation, she told that she couldn’t remember how many men she has slept with.

Although Smita says that she is not a call girl, her life style doesn’t look much less. Her preference of older men and her experiences in a car might be exciting to read but the interview looked more like and advertisement of a call girl than a genuine interview. It left me wondering why such a reputed magazine didn’t feel like censoring all the details of sexual relationships.

It left me wondering why they left-out the contact details of Smita. Rates would have been much useful!

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