Wednesday 12 November 2014

The video is related to a 17 year old mother who has delivered a baby but she has turned out to be as mean as she has buried the baby in the apartment.

The video is related to a 17 year old mother who has delivered a baby but she has turned out to be as mean as she has buried the baby in the apartment. The synonym for love and affection is MOTHER but in the video, it is clearly shown that the young mother has just thrown her infant by killing her. So far, the mother should be nourishing and taking care of a baby. But the video has shown how a mother has proven that these are the conventional notions.

In addition to that, the teenager was charged for the murder of her newborn baby which was found dead and partially buries behind the apartment building. The newborn child was lying behind the building for up to a month in Muskegon, Michigan as stated by the Police. The convict is Jessica Brewster who attended Muskegon High School. She was arrested on Monday night and ’admitted her connection to the child’s death.’ In so far, the baby was found on Monday afternoon behind a senior who is living complex after a janitor initially thought it was a doll.

 The teenager has accepted that she has killed her baby as the baby was found half buried in the dirt behind an apartment block. The authorities have found that the child was lying outside, face down for up a month in Michigan. The baby’s body was found on Monday afternoon by a janitor but she had thought that it was a doll. The detectives have told that the baby was likely to be born in October and soon afterwards the child was left in the living complex. It is not yet revealed that how a baby has died. The janitor has explained that she could not believe what she has seen in the ground. The case is so serious that the mother has killed her own baby.

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