Sunday 29 December 2013

Martin Scorsese heckled at Academy screening

It seems that some of the Academy’s older members didn’t take to kindly to some of the film’s sex-and-drug-fuelled content, with actress Hope Holiday updating her Facebook page with a scathing account of the evening.

“Last night was torture at the Academy,” said Holiday. “The Wolf Of Wall Street - three hours of torture.

"Same disgusting crap over and over again - after the film they had a discussion which a lot of us did not stay for.”

"The elevator doors opened and Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese and a few others got out. Then a screenwriter ran over to them and started screaming, 'Shame on you'. Disgusting."

Sounds like that Best Picture gong might not be a particularly safe bet, then... The Wolf Of Wall Street will open in the UK on 17 January 2014.

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