Friday 16 August 2013

What is Nepal like?

    Tucked away between India and the Tibetan Plateau, Nepal is dominated by the towering Himalayas - a majestic range of snowy giants standing guard over the stunning beauty of our country.

Thanks to these huge mountains, Nepal enjoys the widest range of altitude of any country in the world. Altitudes vary from as little as 70m on the Terai plains to Mount Everest’s colossal peak at 8848m. As a result, our vegetation zones include tropical, subtropical, temperate and alpine areas.

Neither do you need to go to a museum to find evidence of Nepal’s long and fascinating history: it’s all around you in the towns and villages that dot the Kathmandu valley and lie hidden in the mountain ranges. Villages where everyday life still follows long established traditions, and where time almost seems to have stood still.
In these diverse natural environments an incredible range of flora and fauna flourish, attracting nature lovers all year round. Nepal is an ornithologist’s paradise, with over 800 species of birds, including storks, pheasants, cuckoos and enormous birds of prey. For those who prefer larger animals, a visit to one of the National Parks could reward you with a sighting of our famous royal Bengal tigers, bears or one horned rhino. You do not have to go far to see the monkeys, many of whom live side by side with the residents of towns and villages!

The Nepalese are naturally a friendly, welcoming people. We enjoy meeting people from around the world, and are proud to share our wonderful country with you. Visitors to Nepal often return time and time again, drawn by the stunning scenery, the warm and smiling people, the outdoor adventure and the special atmosphere that pervades the clear mountain air.

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