Friday 16 August 2013

Language, Time & Money of Nepal

Nepali is the national language of Nepal. Though many languages are used throughout the country, most people understand and speak Nepali. Educated people, and those involved in the tourist industry also understand and speak English.

Nepal Time is 5 hours 45 minutes ahead of GMT and 15 minutes ahead of Indian standard time.

Nearly all money in Nepal is in the form of notes. The Nepalese rupee is linked to the Indian rupee, but its value fluctuates against all other major currencies. For the date of 11 April 2009 there were 80.00 rupees to the dollar, 106.00 rupees to Euro and 117.00 rupees to the pound sterling. Travelers' cheques are accepted at all exchange counters. Credit cards (Visa and Master Card) are accepted in shops and restaurants in major cities. Withdrawing money with a credit card is possible through banks and cash mashines (ATM) in major cities. Please, note that for the trips outside the cities is recommended to carry cash in nepalese rupees.

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