Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Sunday 30 November 2014

सडकमै तानातान यौनकर्मीको अखडा नयाँ बसपार्क !

तपाई हामीले बुझ्ने गरेको बसपार्क यात्राको सुरुवात र यातायातको अन्तिम गन्तब्य अथवा सामान्य रुपमा भन्दा लामो तथा छोटो दूरीका यातायातको साधनले बस रोक्न आधिकारिक अख्तियारी पाएको ठाउँ हो बसपार्क ।
यात्राको लागि आवश्यक सेवा सुविधायुक्त ठाउँ भनेर बुझ्ने गरिन्छ बस पार्कलाई । सर्वसाधारणहरु टिकट काटेर बस चढ्ने ठाउँलाई बसपार्क भनेर बुझ्ने गर्दछन् ।बसपार्क सुन्दर शान्त र यात्रुहरुको लागि सुविधायुक्त हुन जरुरी हुन्छ । तर नेपालका अधिकांश जिल्ला तथा क्षेत्रका बसपार्कहरु यात्रुहरुको लागि भन्दा पनि यौन कर्मी तथा ग्राहकहरुलाई जवानी बिसाउने ठाउँ बन्ने गरेको पाइएको छ ।

देशका विभिन्न सहरमा रहेका बसपार्कमा सुलेआद यौन धन्दा संचालनमा आएको कुरा हामीले पटक पटक संचार माध्यममा पढ्दै, सुन्दै र देख्दै आएका छौं । यस्तै बसपार्कहरुकोबीचमा काठमाडौंको नयाँ तथा पुरानो बसपार्क पनि चर्चामा छ ।
बसपार्क वरपर यात्रुहरुको लागि बास बस्ने उद्देश्यले निमार्ण गरिएका होटल, लज तथा गेष्ट हाउसहरु यौनकर्मीको व्यावसाय गर्ने स्थल बनेको छ भने ग्राहकहरुको जवानी बिसाउने ठाउँ ।

काठमाडौंको नयाँ बसपार्कमा तपाई साँझ पख पुग्नु भएको छ ? पुग्नु भएको भए त्यहाँको बास्तबिक अवस्था तपाईले बुझिसक्नु भएको होला । काठमाडौंको नयाँ बसपार्क क्षेत्रलाई अहिले अघोषित रेडलाईट एरिया भन्न थालिएको छ ।
तपाई साँझपख त्यता पस्नु भयो भने तपाईलाई पनि त्यस्तै लाग्न सक्छ । नयाँ बसपार्क अहिले यौन कर्मीहरुको अखडा बनेको छ । साँझ पर्ने वित्तिकै ग्राहकको खोजीमा बसपार्क क्षेत्रमा दर्जनौं यौनकर्मीहरु भौतारिने गर्दछन् ।
ग्राहकको खोजीमा रहेका यौनकर्मीहरुले बाटोमा ग्राहकहरुलाई तछाड मछाड गर्दै तानेको देख्न पाईन्छ । जब साँझ पर्दछ, बसपार्कको बाटो पैदल यात्रा गर्नेहरुलाई उनीहरुले जिस्काउने, बोलाउने र पाखुरीमा झुण्डिएर लाने समेत गर्दछन् ।
कान्छाहरु पनि सक्रिय
विभिन्न होटल, गेष्टहाउस तथा रेष्टुँरेन्टमा काम गर्ने तथा हेरचाह गर्ने कर्मचारीलाई नयाँ बसपार्क क्षेत्रमा कान्छा नामले सम्बोधन गरिँदो रहेछ । कान्छाहरु साँझ परेपछि यौनकर्मीलाई ग्राहक खोज्नमै व्यस्त बन्छन् ।
उनीहरु गेष्टहाउसमा बस्न आउने ग्राहकहरुलाई खुसुक्क सोध्छन् र यौनर्मीहरुलाई रातको ९, १० बजेपछि ग्राहकको कोठामा पठाइदिन्छन् । उनीहरुले एक रातको २ देखि ५ हजारसम्ममा यौनकर्मी मिलाई दिर्ने गर्दछन् भने त्यसबापत ५ सय देखि एक हजारसम्म कमिसन पाउँछन् ।
तर, कान्छाहरुले प्रहरी चेकिङ बाट जोगाइ दिने अथवा अग्रिम जानकारी गराउने गर्नु पर्दछ, नयाँ बसपार्क क्षेत्रमा होटलमा काम गर्ने एक होटल मजदुरले हामीलाई सुनाए ।
गेष्टहाउस छोडेर कोठामै धन्दा
गेष्ट हाउस, होटल, डान्सबार र रेष्टुरेन्टहरुमा प्रहरीको छापाले यौनकर्मीहरुमा एक किसिमको तरंग ल्याएको छ । प्रहरीको छापाले उनीहरु त्रसित नभएपनि ग्राहकहरु आउन छाडेपछि उनीहरुले धन्दा संचालन गर्ने नयाँ तरिका अपनाउने गरेका छन् ।
पछिल्लो समय नयाँ बसपार्क, पुरानो बसपार्क, चाबहिल, ठमेल लगायतका ठाउँहरु यौनकर्मीको सम्पर्कस्थल बन्ने गरेका छन् । शहरका होटल, गेष्ट हाउसहरु प्रहरीको नजरमा परेपछि उनीहरुले व्यापारका नयाँ नयाँ तरिकाहरु अपनाउने गरेका छन् ।
पछिल्लो समय यौनकर्मीहरुले ग्राहकको घर तथा कोठमा जाने दखि आफ्नो कोठामा समेत लगेर धन्दा चलाउने गरेको नयाँ बसपार्कका एक ब्यावसायी बताउँछन् ।
प्याकेज टुर
पछिल्लो समय यौनकर्मीहरुले अपनाएको नयाँ शैली हो प्याकेज टूर । आफ्नो धन्दा चलाउन ग्राहकहरुको साथ उनीहरुको श्रीमती अथवा प्रेमिकाको रुपमाको उनीहरु प्याकेज टुरमा काठमाडौं र काठमाडौं बाहिर जाने गरेका छन् ।
यसरी जाँदा आम्दानी पनि राम्रो हुने कसैले पनि थाहा नपाउने तथा प्रहरीको चेकिङबाट मुक्त हुने भएकोले यौनकर्मीहरु प्याकेज टुरमा जाने गरेको एक यौनकर्मीले बताइन ।

Thursday 2 January 2014

5 Ways to Start a Blog and Get Hug Traffic from the First Day

Start a successful blog (the right way)

One of the first mistakes that new bloggers make is to set up a blog any old way and assume that it doesn’t really matter what platform it is on or what host is providing the service.

This is a big mistake.

When you start a blog you have two broad options: free hosting and self hosting. As you can see, starting a free blog is quite simple and has the added advantage of not costing you a penny. But the problem is that is severely limits what you can and can’t do on that blog; you have less features, less ownership and generally, less chance at success.

The better option is to get your own distinctive domain name and start a WordPress blog on your own host. This sounds complicated but is actually extremely simple to do and will only cost you around $5 a month. By taking the extra time to set it up this way, you’ll give yourself full ownership and control, a stronger brand, complete access to hundreds of thousands of themes and plugins, etc.

Perhaps most importantly, by using your own domain name and brand, you are signally to Google and all the other services/people who might potentially endorse you that you are a serious blog/website which they can happily refer to their own readers.

Here’s a quick checklist of the things you’ll want on your new blog in order to set it up for big success:

    Your own domain name

Make sure it just says and doesn’t include any other brand in there.

    Some good hosting

A quality blog host should have fast speeds, simple WordPress set up and 24/7 support staff.

    A distinctive brand name

Make sure your blog stands out from the rest. Find a way to make it different and emphasize those differences.

    WordPress blogging backend

WordPress is a powerful blogging platform that you can install for free once you have your domain name and host. It is used by the most popular blogs (including this one) and gives you access to free plugins and themes that can change the look and functionality of your site with just a few clicks.

    Your beautiful face

When I first started my blog, I did it anonymously. While it was a good experiment, I got a lot more trust and subscribers once I added my name and photo. Have a strong About page with a high quality photo of yourself.

    A solid content plan

Every blog needs a content plan that includes goals for that content. Try to have at least one or two hugely useful and detailed posts on your new blog before you start the promotion methods that we’re about to get into below.

Want More? Read on: How Blogging Can Help You Grow Your Professional Network
How to get big traffic from the first day

Now that we’ve got the bits about starting a blog out of the way, let’s get into the juicy bits about how you can attract big traffic right from the very beginning.

1. Make big connections early

One of the most important things that new bloggers forget to do is make connections with big bloggers in their niche. This is perhaps the most crucial step for getting big traffic because, if you’re lucky, these big bloggers will endorse you to their readers.

Now, it’s really important that you don’t just try to connect with people for the sake of getting something out of them. I always try to find people I genuinely like and admire and connect with them as if I’m trying to make a lifelong friend. I think this has made a huge difference.

Start by researching websites and blogs in your niche and then leave comments and connect with them informally on Twitter, Facebook or Google+. At first, just try to be friendly and get on their radar. Sometimes this will be enough to get yourself mentioned or more visible.

2. Mention them in a post and tell them about it

The next thing you can do (and this takes the first strategy to a next level) is to mention those new friends in an extremely high quality blog post that you write. Make sure you link to their blog in a favorable way.

You then shoot them a quick email or Tweet to let them know that they featured in a post that you’ve done, and if you feel like the relationship is solid enough, ask if they wouldn’t mind sharing it.

If the post is good enough they will usually share it straight away. At a bare minimum, you will get your blog on their radar in a positive way.

3. Drop an easy $10 on some advertising

Something that always amazes me is how quick bloggers are to dismiss advertising. It is a real shame because a blog is like any other business and all businesses need to advertise in order to grow.

The great thing about the Internet is that it isn’t like buying an advertising spot on radio or television. Those things will cost you thousands and thousands of dollars. Instead, you can use Facebook Ads or StumbleUpon Paid Discovery to send a small amount of targeted traffic to your new post.

These things are super simple to set up and you can re-use the templates over and over again. Most people wouldn’t bat an eyelid at spending $10 on a sandwich and coffee, so why not do the same to give your amazing new blog post a helping hand and perhaps send it viral?

4. Write less on your blog and more on other blogs

Another big mistake that new bloggers make is to assume that by adding more content to their new blog they will get a lot of new traffic. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that.

A better strategy is to put one or two extremely high quality articles on your new blog (as we discussed above) and then spend more time writing guest posts on other blogs to attract new readers to your own blog.

The important thing here is to choose blogs that have active communities in a niche that is very closely matched to your own. If you give them something highly useful and relevant, you will find that the post will index on Google and create a long-lasting traffic source that will bring you big traffic for months and years to come.

5. Leverage the power of Google+ blogging and communities

If you’re not on Google+ yet and you want to run a successful blog, then now is the time to get started. Google’s social network is now the second largest in the world and is becoming more and more active and highly targeted every day.

The great thing about Google+ is that you can write super long micro-blogs that include images, links, bold text, etc. They then allow you to post these little blog entries to relevant communities that you have joined. The result is a that a lot of relevant traffic can find you through your activities on this social network. Darren Rowse often does this and gets lots of shares and positive responses as you can see below.

Photos and longer posts tend to get more attention over there so make sure you find something pretty to attract attention and then write something compelling that people will want to share. If you include a link to your own relevant blog/blog post you can find you get a lot of new visitors.


These strategies have all worked really well for me, but the possibilities for finding new traffic on the Internet are literally endless. If you’ve started a blog that did well really early on, or if you’ve tried any successful strategies yourself, please leave a comment and let us know.

Top 5 Most Inspirational Bloggers In The World

1. ( Meet Gary Vaynerchuk.

He’s a very loud and charismatic New Yorker who gained internet fame as the crazy and outgoing host of Wine Library TV, a video blog that obsessively talked about everything related to wine. Through online video blogging, he built his wine business from a $3-million-dollar-a-year wine retail store to a $60 million dollar wine wholesale business. Gary Vaynerchuk has built a multi-million dollar empire relating to his personal brand. He’s a two-time best-selling author and co-founder of Vayner Media, a very large digital marketing agency that works with some of the largest brands in the world. He’s been featured in The Wall Street Journal, GQ, and Time Magazine, as well as appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

2. ( Meet Rand Fishkin.

Rand Fiskin is a college dropout who started blogging about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) back in 2004 while working for a family-run web development company. He was also providing SEO consulting services to a few small clients. SEOmoz has since left the consulting business and instead focuses exclusively on creating awesome SEO software, as well as supporting a large community with educational resources related to the search industry. It is rumored that the company generates millions of dollars each and every month from its software and subscription services. The company also raised $18 million in 2012, which it has been using to acquire other companies. Rand is still actively running the company and occasionally posts on the main blog.

3. ( Pat Flynn.

Pat is one of the most inspirational bloggers in the world. After losing his job a few years into his career, he was forced to scramble to support his growing family. He started a website called “” to track his progress with various websites and online money making projects. He has since built a massive following and readership thanks to his transparency and honesty. Still to this day, Pat discloses his monthly earnings to readers, which has inspired countless individuals. Pat currently attends industry conferences, runs a regular podcast for his readers, and spends as much time as he can with his family. Over the last 6 months, Pat has earned, on average, around $50,000 USD per month.

4. ( Meet Brian Clark.

Brian Clark is the founder of Copyblogger. He started the blog back in 2006 as a resource for entrepreneurs to learn to be better copywriters, content marketers, and all around “kings of content.” The blog has since grown to become an authority on creating killer content for the web. With 100k+ subscribers, Brian got smart and leveraged his readership to launch Copyblogger Media, which launched several spinoff companies. These software companies include Scribe, Synthesis, Premise, and StudioPress. The genius behind his business model is that his loyal readers love him and line up to buy the marketing software his company creates. Brian is still very active in the day-to-day of running Copyblogger.

5. ( Meet Andrew Sullivan.

Andrew started his blog, The Daily Dish, near the end of 2000. By the middle of 2003, he was receiving about 300,000 unique visits per month. Just this year, Sullivan made some big changes and decided to leave his other his other blogging gigs (formerly at TIME, The Atlantic, and The Daily Beast) to work on The Daily Dish full-time. On launch day in 2013, the blog reportedly took in over $330,000 in recurring revenue, charging an average of $20/month to readers.

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