नेपालमा बर्षेनी १ सय भन्दा बढी चलचित्र त निर्माण भएका छन् । तर, व्यापारको कुरा गर्ने हो भने सुख्खा नै छ । न त कलाकारको अनुहार, न त पोष्टर केही पनि बिकेका छैनन् । दर्शक हलसम्म आउन छाडेका छन् ।
समिक्षकदेखि चलचित्रकर्मीले समेत तारिफ गरेका चलचित्रले पनि व्यापारिक रुपमा कमजोर व्यापार गरेका छन् । गतबर्ष प्रदर्शनमा आएको चलचित्र ‘मोक्ष’ले खुबै राम्रो तारिफ पायो । चलचित्र हेरेका समिक्षकदेखि चलचित्रकर्मीले निर्देशकको खुबै तारिफ गरे । यो चलचित्रले अवार्ड पनि राम्रै पायो । तर, चलचित्र चलेन । चलचित्रको कमजोर व्यापारले निर्मातालाई सुख दिन सकेन ।
खुबै तारिफ बटुलेका चलचित्रले हलमा दर्शक तान्न सकेका छैनन् । यो एउटा सोचनिय बिषय हो । यो बर्ष हालसालै प्रदर्शनमा आएको चलचित्र ‘झिग्राना’ले पनि खुबै तारिफ पाएको थियो । चलचित्र राम्रो बनेको पनि थियो । तर, हलसम्म दर्शक आएनन् । शुक्रबारबाट प्रदर्शनमा आएको चलचित्र ‘माला’को व्यापार पनि यस्तै छ ।
निर्देशक सुदिप भुपाल सिंह काठमाण्डौका केही मल्टिप्लेक्समा अन्य चलचित्रको तुलानामा व्यापार राम्रो भएको बताउँछन् । तर, सिंगल हलमा प्रचारको अभावका कारणले दर्शक नआएको उनले स्विकार गरेका छन् । ‘माला’लाई यो बर्षकै उत्कृष्ट चलचित्र भनेका छन् समिक्षकले । चलचित्र हेरेका सबैले यसको तारिफ पनि गरेका छन् ।
तर, दर्शक हलसम्म आएनन् । चलचित्रको काठमाण्डौ वितरण गरेका गोपाल कायस्थ मल्टिप्लेक्समा चलचित्रको व्यापार औषत भएपनि सिंगलमा शुन्य जस्तै भएको बताउँछन् । चलचित्रको प्रचारप्रसार कमजोर हुनु र गीतले चर्चा नपाउनु ‘माला’ नचल्नुको मुख्य कारण बनेको छ । यो कुरा यसको निर्माणपक्ष पनि स्विकार गरेको छ ।
राम्रो प्रचार पाएका र गीतसंगीत हिट भएका औषत चलचित्रले पनि व्यापार गतिलो गरेका छन् । तर, राम्रो भनिएका चलचित्र प्रचारप्रसारको अभावका कारण फेल भएका छन् । नेपालमा पैसा खर्च गर्नुलाई मात्र प्रचार ठानिन्छ । तर, तारतम्य नमिलाई पैसा खर्च गर्दा चलचित्रले कुनै उचाई पाएको हुदैन ।
Showing posts with label Nepali movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nepali movie. Show all posts
Monday 23 March 2015
Wednesday 22 January 2014
‘६ एकान ६’ले यसरी तान्यो दर्शक
काठमाडौं, माघ ८ । सानो पर्दाका चर्चित कलाकारहरुको उपस्थिति रहेको ‘६ एकान ६’ले मनग्य दर्शकहरु पायो । दर्शकहरु हलसम्म पुगेर फिल्म हेर्न उत्साहित देखिए । प्रदर्शनको दोस्रो सातासम्म पनि दर्शकहरुमा फिल्मप्रतिको ‘क्रेज’ निरन्तर रह्यो ।
धेरै दर्शकले फिल्म रुचाए । ‘६ एकान ६’ले फिल्मकर्मी, समीक्षक लगायतको पनि राम्रो प्रतिक्रिया पाउन सफल भयो । लामो समयपछि पुनः एक पटक नेपाली फिल्मले हरेक उमेर, वर्ग र परिवेशका दर्शकलाई हलसम्म तानेको देखियो ।
गत शुक्रबारबाट प्रदर्शनमा आएको ‘६ एकान ६’ सुरुवाती दिनहरुमा सिंगल र मल्टिप्लेक्स दुबैमा ‘हाउसफुल’ चलेको निर्माणपक्षको दाबी छ । नेपाली फिल्मको कारोबार खस्किरहेको पछिल्लो अवस्थामा ‘६ एकान ६’ले निकै राम्रो आम्दानी गरेको निर्माणपक्षले जनाइरहेका छन् ।
‘६ एकान ६’ले दर्शक जुटाउनुको प्रमुख कारण भनेकै फिल्ममा ‘चर्चित’ अनुहारहरु हुनु नै हो । सानो पर्दाका ‘लोकप्रिय’ कलाकारहरुको एकमुष्ठ उपस्थितिले नै आफूहरुलाई हलसम्म खिंचेको स्वंय दर्शकहरुले बताइरहेका छन् । नेपाली दर्शकहरुमाझ चर्चित ‘तीतो सत्य’, ‘जीरे खुर्सानी’ र ‘मेरी बास्सै’का प्रमुख कलाकारहरुको अभिनय एउटै फिल्ममा हेर्न दर्शकहरु हलसम्म तानिए ।
तीन छुट्टाछुट्टै टेलिश्रृंखलामार्फत दर्शकहरुलाई प्रशस्त मनोरञ्जन प्रदान गर्दै आएका कलाकारहरु एउटै फिल्म हुनु र फिल्म हास्य पृष्ठभूमिकै हुनुको कारणले पनि दर्शकलाई सजिलै लोभ्यायो । त्यति मात्रै होइन, सानो पर्दामा भन्दा बिल्कुल अलग र फरक अन्दाजमा ती हास्य पात्रहरु दैनिक जीवनका यथार्थ चरित्र बनेर दर्शकमाझ उभ्भिए, जसलाई दर्शकले रुचाए । करिब साढें दुई घण्टाको फिल्ममा दर्शकले थुप्रै पटक पेट मिचिमिचि हास्न बाध्य बनाउने दृष्य र संवाद भेट्टाए, जसबाट दर्शकले स्वस्थ्य मनोरञ्जन प्राप्त गरे ।
फिल्मकी एक्ली नायिका नीता ढुंगाना (आस्था)का लागि सम्भावित दुलाहा बनेर आएका व्यापारी, वकिल, ‘डुब्लिकेट’ इनिस्पेक्टर पाण्डे, कवि, कामदार र सुकुम्बासी बस्तीको ‘माग्ने’ले आ–आफ्नो चरित्र अनुसार गहन र यथार्थपरक अभिनय प्रस्तुत गर्दा दर्शक बेलाबेला भावुक हुन र बेलाबेला दिल खोलेर हास्न बाध्य पारिन्छन् । त्यसो त रुपरंग, जवानी र धन, सम्पत्तिले भरिपूर्ण एक युवतीले दुलाहा खोज्ने क्रममा पुरुषको चरित्र केलाएको पक्ष पनि सबल नै छ । नीताको ‘ग्ल्यामर’ रुपले पनि दर्शकलाई आकर्षित नै गर्छ ।
फिल्ममा धेरै राम्रा पक्षका बीच पनि केही दृष्य, संवाद र गीतले भने दर्शकलाई झर्को लाग्न सक्छ, केही दृष्य र घटना दर्शकलाई ‘वाइह्यात’ पनि लाग्न सक्छन् । यद्यपि, समग्र फिल्मले भने दर्शकलाई मनोरञ्जन प्रदान गर्छ र त्यसैको प्रतिफल हो, ‘६ एकान ६’को सफलता । निर्देशक दिनेश डिसीको काम धेरै हदसम्म तारिफयोग्य छ र कलाकारहरुले पनि चरित्र अनुसार दमदार अभिनय पस्केका छन् ।
त्यसो त ‘६ एकान ६’ चल्नुको सम्पूर्ण श्रेय कलाकार र उनीहरुको अभिनयको पाटोलाई मात्रै पनि जाँदैन, फिल्मलाई मात्रै पनि जाँदैन । फिल्म चल्नुको अर्को प्रमुख कारण ‘पट्यार लाग्दो’ विज्ञापन पनि हो । फिल्म प्रदर्शन अगाडि ‘तीतो सत्य’, ‘जीरे खुर्सानी’ र ‘मेरी बास्सै’मा दर्शकहरुलाई ‘दिक्कै’ लाग्ने गरी गरिएको विज्ञापनले पनि केही हदसम्म दर्शकलाई खिंचेको कतिपयको बुझाइ छ ।
यस बाहेक फिल्मका कलाकार, निर्माणपक्ष लगायतले देशका विभिन्न भागमा पुगी गरेको प्रचारप्रसार लगायतले पनि फिल्मप्रति दर्शकको रुची बढेको नकार्न सकिन्न । फिल्मले ‘पट्यार लाग्ने’ गरी नै विज्ञापन गरेपनि अन्ततः फिल्म राम्रो भएकाले नै दर्शकले ‘६ एकान ६’ रुचाएको फिल्मकर्मीहरुको तर्क छ ।
कलाकार समेत रहेका दीपकराज गिरी, दीपाश्री निरौला र निर्मल शर्मा फिल्मका निर्माता हुन् ।
Monday 20 January 2014
Nepali Movie – Ringroad
Nepali Movie – Ringroad
Starring – Suraj RD, Jiya KC, Basanta Raj Rijal, Prashant KC, Khagesh Adhikari, Usha Kharel, Sirjana Thapa Magar etc.
Director – Damundara Bhatta, Santosh Dhakal
The movie ‘Ring Road’ was dragged into controversy when a shooting report was released online. The actress had to protest when the male actor tried to take advantage of the actress by touching her private parts. Hot actress Jiya KC is in gust role in the movie.
‘Ring Road’ was released on May 10, 2013 along with three other movies. The movie is the presentation of Ocean Vision Pvt. Ltd.
Starring – Suraj RD, Jiya KC, Basanta Raj Rijal, Prashant KC, Khagesh Adhikari, Usha Kharel, Sirjana Thapa Magar etc.
Director – Damundara Bhatta, Santosh Dhakal
The movie ‘Ring Road’ was dragged into controversy when a shooting report was released online. The actress had to protest when the male actor tried to take advantage of the actress by touching her private parts. Hot actress Jiya KC is in gust role in the movie.
‘Ring Road’ was released on May 10, 2013 along with three other movies. The movie is the presentation of Ocean Vision Pvt. Ltd.
Masan to be screened on January 23, Cinemandu
The 10th edition of Cinemandu: screening of ‘Masan’ is going to be held in Kathmandu on January
The event organized by The Embassy of India, Kathmandu and BP Koirala India Nepal Foundation had in past featured other critically acclaimed films like ‘Sanghuro’, ‘Uma’, ‘Shirish Ko Phool’ etc. The free screening of the movie will also be followed by an interaction with the crew and casts of the film.
‘Masan’ is a movie made on a popular play by Gopal Prasad Rimal. The movie is director Nir Shah and feature well known actors like Raj Ballav Koirala, Keki Adhikari and Neeta Dhungana in leading roles. The screening starting at 4:00 PM is being held at Nepal Bharat Library, Nepal Airlines Building, New Road Gate. The organizers will also provide refreshments for the viewers.
Sunday 12 January 2014
Hostel Nepali Movie in Theatres, Houseful openings!!
After long time, a Nepali Movie has been reported of revealing some hope in the industry’s business with houseful openings in cinemas of Kathmandu and elsewhere in the country. Hostel Nepali Movie that released in theatres all over Nepal today is predicted to do well after seeing the moviegoer’s crowd for its first day screenings.
Hostel Nepali Movie Released Nepal
Hostel Nepali movie had houseful shows in QFX cinemas of Kathmandu thus urging the cinemas to add more shows than the scheduled ones for the movie. Some online news agencies have reported that the moviegoer’s crowd was unmanageable at cinemas such as GopiKrishna Hall. The cinemas reportedly had to include more screenings and allocate bigger screens for Hostel Shows.
Hostel is also reported of doing a good business in other parts of the country including Pokhara and Narayangarh.
This is indeed cheerful news to the industry that was loosing faith on the business aspect of the Nepali Movies.
Hostel Nepali Movie Released Nepal
Hostel Nepali movie had houseful shows in QFX cinemas of Kathmandu thus urging the cinemas to add more shows than the scheduled ones for the movie. Some online news agencies have reported that the moviegoer’s crowd was unmanageable at cinemas such as GopiKrishna Hall. The cinemas reportedly had to include more screenings and allocate bigger screens for Hostel Shows.
Hostel is also reported of doing a good business in other parts of the country including Pokhara and Narayangarh.
This is indeed cheerful news to the industry that was loosing faith on the business aspect of the Nepali Movies.
Thursday 9 January 2014
Nepali Movie – Gundaraj
Nepali Movie – Gundaraj
Posted on January 8th, 2014 No comments
gundarajNepali Movie – Gundaraj
Director – Uday Subba
Producer – Uday Subba
The actors of the action movie are not known.
Posted on January 8th, 2014 No comments
gundarajNepali Movie – Gundaraj
Director – Uday Subba
Producer – Uday Subba
The actors of the action movie are not known.
Producer to release in Dubai, prior to Nepal release
Nepali movie ‘Producer’ is going to release in Dubai before it is released in Nepal on Magh 17 (January 31, 2014). The movie will run for a month in Dubai for Nepali people living in the capital of UAE. According to the producer Jyotiraj Rai, the movie will be released with the help of the non-resident Nepali.
‘Producer’ is a comedy movie made on the insider’s story of the Nepali film industry. The movie features well known Nepali actors like Wilson Bikram Rai, Baboo Bogati, Sweta Bhattarai, Payal Rayamajhi and others. The movie is directed by Janakdeep Parajuli.
The news about the UAE release was given by the producer Janak Deep in a press meet held in Dharan. The promotion of the movie is currently going on in the Eastern Nepal.
‘Producer’ is a comedy movie made on the insider’s story of the Nepali film industry. The movie features well known Nepali actors like Wilson Bikram Rai, Baboo Bogati, Sweta Bhattarai, Payal Rayamajhi and others. The movie is directed by Janakdeep Parajuli.
The news about the UAE release was given by the producer Janak Deep in a press meet held in Dharan. The promotion of the movie is currently going on in the Eastern Nepal.
Saturday 20 April 2013
Wednesday 23 January 2013
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