Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Friday 31 January 2014

'Selfie,' 'twerk' top school's annoying word list

A Michigan university has issued its annual list of annoying words, and those flexible enough to take selfies of themselves twerking should take note.  In addition to "selfie" and "twerking," there was a strong sense among those who nominated words to this year's list that the word "hashtag" and term "Mr. Mom" had both run their course.

"Selfie," a term that describes a self-taken photo, often from a smartphone, led the way among the more than 2,000 nominations submitted to Lake Superior State University's 39th annual batch of words to banish due to overuse, overreliance and overall fatigue. Even President Barack Obama got into the act this month when he took a well-publicized selfie with other world leaders in South Africa for Nelson Mandela's memorial service.

"It's a lame word. It's all about me, me, me," wrote David Kriege of Lake Mills, Wis. "Put the smartphone away. Nobody cares about you."

Since 1975, the list has grown to more than 800 words, many from the worlds of politics, sports and popular - maybe too popular - culture.

"The list is made up completely from nominations. We don't just sit around and think of words that bug us," said Tom Pink, a spokesman for the school in Sault Ste. Marie, in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

"Twerk" or "twerking," a sexually provocative way of dancing, found a dominant place in parlance due to Miley Cyrus' performance at the MTV Video Music Awards.

"Time to dance this one off the stage," said Jim Connelly, of Flagstaff, Ariz.

"Hashtag" refers to a word or phrase with no spaces preceded by the pound sign on the microblogging website Twitter.

Others on the banned list include "Twittersphere," ''t-bone," ''Obamacare" ''intellectually/morally bankrupt" and anything "on steroids." People also tired of the suffixes "-pocalypse" and "-ageddon" used to make words such as "snow-pocalypse" or "ice-ageddon."

And enough already with "Mr. Mom," a reference to fathers who take care of kids. It's also the name of a 1983 movie starring Michael Keaton, although many stay-at-home dads these days don't like the movie stereotype of a clueless male.

"There were almost as many nominations for 'Mr. Mom' as 'selfie' and 'twerk,'" Pink said.

He believes the title got traction again in 2013 due to news stories about the 30th anniversary of the movie.

"The phrase should refer only to the film, not to men in the real world," wrote Pat Byrnes of Chicago. "It is an insult to the millions of dads who are the primary caregivers for their children. Would we tolerate calling working women, 'Mrs. Dad?'"

"Adversity" and "fan base" - terms often used when discussing sports - got booed. Kyle Melton, of White Lake, Mich., said perspective is needed when referring to a millionaire athlete trying to get a first down in football.<script type="text/javascript"><!--
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"Facing adversity is working 50 hours a week and still struggling to feed your kids," Melton wrote.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Welcome to Lincoln School

Welcome to Lincoln School
Namaste!  Lincoln School is a multicultural community in the foothills of the Himalaya that inspires in each student a passion for learning, the confidence and competence to pursue their dreams, and the commitment to serve as a compassionate global citizen and leader, who is a steward of the environment.

Lincoln School  offers a program geared toward mainstream students who will eventually attend university, whether in the United States or elsewhere. The American style curriculum seeks to remain abreast of current educational theory and practice while including host country studies and field study opportunities as appropriate.  Computer, music, art, and physical education are part of every child’s educational program with French, Spanish, and Personal Wellness also offered to middle and high school students. High school offerings include AP classes.

Please check out all of our academic and after-school programs to see why our students love to learn and laugh in our diverse school community nestled in the Himalayas! 

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