Showing posts with label rekha thapa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rekha thapa. Show all posts

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Rekha Thapa accused National Award organizers of asking money for the award

In a statement actress Rekha Thapa has told that she had asked the organizers to honor herself. When they refused, she became the only winner of National Film to boycott the ceremony at the President’s residence.

Actress Rekha Thapa has accused the organizers of the National Award, Film Development Board, of asking money for the award. In addition to that she has also questioned the capability of the judges and the choice of winners. Here is the summary of Rekha’s statement.
  • Rekha didn’t know about the SAARC Film Festival. If she had known, she would also have participated and might even have won awards.
  • Garima Pant was considered a bad actress until she won SAARC award. If she won the award who became the second?
  •     She doesn’t know any Nepali movies participating the SAARC film festival beside ‘Sanghuro’ and ‘Jhola’.
  •     ‘Rhythm’ can’t be a best movie. The lead actor in ‘Rhythm’ is Jiwan Luitel not Wilson Bikram Rai who had won the best actor award for the movie.
  •     Lead actress in ‘Masan’ is Keki Adhikari not the winner of the best actress Neeta Dhungana . Keki, Priyanka Karki or Richa Sharma are better actress than Neeta.
  •     Wilson Bikram Rai and Neeta have no contribution to Nepali film industry when compared to Rekha Thapa or Rajesh Hamal.
  •     The jury is incompetent judges. Prakash Subedi, a half-hour-filmy program host doesn’t qualify to be a judge. Story writer Dhurba Chandra Gautam can’t judge acting.
  •     Jharana Thapa and Sunil Kumar Thapa are close to Pappu. That is the reason she won an award. In the past she used to win awards in Negative role for the same movie.
  •     Rekha knew about the final result. She had told the organizers to honor the contribution of Rekha Thapa and Rajesh Hamal. The organizers had asked money for awards.
  •     The communication minister had influenced to award Garima Pant for the year 2070.
  •     The award ceremony is a play of money and love-relationships.
  •     Rekha’s film ‘Kali‘ wasn’t in the competition.
We believe, these are very serious accusations.

Accusing government officials of asking money would warrant for a police case and the involvement of corruption investigation.

In most of the other award ceremonies Rekha’s film used to win most of the awards:

Saturday 19 April 2014

Chhabi Raj Ojha terms Rekha Thapa a talk-head

Actress Rekha Thapa has responded to Chhabi Raj Ojha‘s statement that his wife of more than 10-years had refused to become the mother of his child. Rekha was enraged on Chhabi of bringing out their personal matters to the media. Earlier, Chhabi has talked about the relationship with his ex-wives in an interview with ‘Mirror Nepal’ monthly. In the following video, Chhabi has re-confirmed that all the statements he made were true:

Rekha termed Chhabi’s statements ‘nonsense’. She added, “If he were a good person, he would have told these things right after divorce.” She also regretted how she could have lived for 10 years such a person.

Rekha however terms the time she spent with Chhabi were ‘dark days’. In the coming days she doesn’t want to have any relationship, professional or personal, with her ex-husband. She also announced that she had declined the offer to act in ‘Suntali Hawaldar’ and will not do any of his future movies.

Although Chhabi claimed that he still loves Rekha and will always there for her, he wasn’t happy on how she treated herself and other people. He wanted Rekha to know that Rekha is in the last stage of her active life as a leading actress and should take care of her body.

In an interview with an online magazine, Rekha also claimed that she could have brought Chhabi to the street if she had ‘desired’ so.

Tuesday 31 December 2013

Rekha Thapa has become mother of four Raute children

 Nepali actress Rekha Thapa had organized a inauguration ceremony to formally announce the social work she had started recently by establishing the Rekha Thapa Foundation. In the event she told, “I have felt like a mother. Now I have realized that you don’t need to be in blood relationship to become a mother.”

In the formal event, Rekha also released a half-hour-long video showing the details of her visit to the Far Western Nepal to meet Raute community people. The website of the organization,, was also launched during the event.

Rekha had adopted four Raute children and brought them with her when she returned back from the Far Western Nepal. Three girls and a boy are now living in the hostel of Anandakuti school in Swoyambhu.

Rekha Thapa first announced about the Foundation concept while she was in Hong Kong to premier her movie ‘Kali‘.

Promo video of the adoption of Raute children:||

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Rekha Thapa honored at Bal Jagriti College – Donated Rs. 50K to disabled students

Rekha Thapa honored at Bal Jagriti College – Donated Rs. 50K to disabled students
Actress Rekha Thapa is currently in Far Western region of Nepal for the social works under Rekha Thapa Foundation. On Sunday, Rekha was honored at Bal Jagirti College in Mahendranagar. In the college she raised the National flag of Nepal and lighted candle to inaugurate the program.

During the event Rekha Thapa donated Rs. 50,000 on behalf of Rekha Thapa Foundation to support disabled students in the college. The 10+2 college educates a number of disabled students.

Rekha’s social work mission in Western Nepal started on Friday when she left Kathmandu to visit various local communities in the area. She had met Raute community on Saturday and handed over rice and monetary support to 56 Raute families of Surkhet.

Rekha raising the National Flag during the event at Bal Jagriti College.

Rekha Thapa inaugurated Dodhara Chandani bi-weekly newspaper

Rekha Thapa inaugurated Dodhara Chandani bi-weekly newspape

 Nepali actress Rekha Thapa inaugurated the publication of a local bi-weekly, ‘Dodhara Chandani’ newspaper on December 17 at Mahendranagar. Other well-known personalities like Puskar Bhatta and Sudarshan Gautam had jointly unveiled the newspaper.

The news-based newspaper will also cover research based news and view in the local level.

In the ceremony, Rekha said that the magazine will remain strong and work for the betterment of the society. Rekha also wished the magazine to remain non-political, neutral and become a daily soon.

Saturday 14 December 2013

रेखा थापाकाे साेसीयल कामगनेर् मुढ ।

During the premier of ‘Kali’ in Hong Kong, Rekha Thapa had announced her desire to start active participation in social work. In the event, Rekha had announce about spending some quality time with Raute children and help the children in their upbringing and education. As per the announcement, actress Rekha Thapa has headed towards Western Nepal, Surkhet on Friday, December 13. She will spend 24 hours in the area.
Rekha is planning to adopt four Raute children in her non-government organization, Rekha Thapa Foundation (RTF), for the upbringing and to provide education. Raute is a primitive community living mainly in forests in the Western Nepal. They mainly live in Surkhet and Mahendranagar area. Rekha will choose four 5 to 9 years old children to give shelter in RTF in Kathmandu.

Rekha is going to use all the fund collected by the screening of ‘Kali‘ in Hong Kong towards the cost of the Foundation. Rekha is accompanied by director Shyam Bhattarai and journalist Rabi Adhikari. (Photo credit – Filmyupdate, )

Sunday 3 November 2013

Rekha Thapa in photo journalist’s calendar – doesn’t make sense
The professional photographers have chosen a non-professional – actress Rekha Thapa to feature in their yearly calendar. Being an actress, she had done her best to act like a photographer, but she has failed in a few shots and the professional photographers didn’t care to correct the poses.  I haven’t got hold of the calendar myself but, from the photos shared by my Facebook friends I can see some of the problems of the calendar.

I have a few questions to the publishers of the calendar:
    Why a new calendar after 1/4th of the year is finished?
    Why is Rekha Thapa featured in every page of calendar?

First, the calendar is made for the year 2070 BS. We are currently running on the fourth month of the year – almost through a quarter of the year. Nobody needs a calendar of this year at this time of the year. Whoever needs one might already have it in their walls. Unveiling a stale calendar defeats the sole purpose of the calendar.

rekha thapa in photo journalist calendar (2)

I have seen calendars that feature a product in every page are either sponsored or produced by the product owners. In this calendar it would have made sense if Rekha Thapa were either the sponsor of the calendar or the owner of the calendar. As she is none, it doesn’t make sense to feature her in every page of the calendar. They could have used 12 different actresses or 12 different photographer journalists or just the best press photos in the calendar.

A non-photographer (like myself) can tell that nobody can take a good photo by holding the camera like that and facing the other direction:

rekha thapa - photo journalist calendar

No photographer holds camera so far that you can see the eye like the one seen in the following photo:

rekha thapa with camera

I hope the publishers of the calendar, NFPJ, have satisfactory answer to my question. (I will update this post later if I get answers from them).

Saturday 19 October 2013

रेखा थापाले स्पेसल CPN Maoist लाई नै किन रोजिन ?

 Rekha Explains why she choose politics and why specially CPN Maoist Party
Although she has a very good acting career ahead, actress Rekha Thapa has taken a huge risk by entering the party politics. She had tried her best in making full use of the newly gained political power by trying to get appointed in  the Film Development Board and getting elected for the party. But, both her efforts had failed. Although she is not competing in election, she has promised to help the party, CPN Maoist to win the election.

After Rekha joined the party, Rekha’s fans are confused on why she has risked her career. Joining a party alienate all her fans affiliated to other parties. That is not something a celebrity can afford to risk on.

Why did you choose politics?

I could have served the society and country alone. But, there is a high chance that the sole voice might not be heard. In politics, your voice get some authenticity and it gets stronger. I had tried doing things alone but that didn’t help me much in helping the people and country much. A true political power can change every subjects. In political parties, we can collectively address any social problems. I needed that collective effort and I found that in politics.

Why CPN Maoist? Why not other parties ?

I had always been influenced by the principles of CPN Maoist. I had been revolutionist since  my child. My progressive thoughts and views seem to be closer to the party. During the 10-years-long Maoist war, I used to see the sketch of Prachanda and I used to study their principles. After a long analysis and deep study I have realized that my principles resonate with the party.

There are a lot of people who don’t like CPN Maoist as a party. In politics it is perfectly normal to have varying thoughts. It is same if I choose Nepali Congress, CPN UML or RPP party. They all have people of rival thoughts. The wounds of people’s war are still fresh. Although I don’t know much about the ancient politics, I have made an informed decision based on what I have seen and learnt for my life.

What is your political background ?

I am a sole warrior. I don’t want to undermine my political consciousness by pointing to the person around me. I believe, my identity should be my own. I can say my ancestors were the offspring of Bhimsen Thapa and that might be true, but I want to be identified by my own name. So, I am an individual fighter.

You can seek the political background of Prachanda or Baburam Bhattarai or Madhav Kumar Nepal or B P Koirala and find none. They were sole fighters and I want to be like them. I don’t want anybody else to be the benefactor of my political quest.

How can you keep a balance between politics, social work and acting?

All three sectors are related and fulfill each other’s purpose. Serving a society was a social worker and serving a country as a politician are the same. Although people say that politics is a game, I don’t think so. A good social worker can be a good politician. I wanted to serve the people, not rule them. Most of the leaders of our time have become rulers rather than serving people. That is the reason politics got the bad name.

            भिडियो हेर्न तल बक्स को निलो कलर मा क्लिक गर्नुहोला

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