Showing posts with label make money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make money. Show all posts

Sunday 19 January 2014

Why you might be not making any money???

If you are new into earning money online then you might have lots of question on your mind. Most probably you haven’t earned your first dollar yet.

I had actually taken 7 month to earn my first money online. But it doesnt mean you will also be the same or its not that you cant.
The most important thing is your work. If you are consistent then money will flood into your pocket and people will think you are a drug dealer(because of huge money in your pockets).
Here are my quick tips to earn fast……

1.  Write atleast one article daily. Its not hard you can modify other articles from internet but make sure its unique.

2.    Have your blog and self host it. Read my other post to know more as it is better to have a complete mind map rather a quick decision.

3.  Have patience. It is hard to make a dollar online but once you earn that very first then being a millionaire is not that far away.
4. Believe yourself and have patience.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Easy Ways To Make Money On The Internet

If the internet is a country, then websites are like real estates. I’m hoping by now you have a general understanding that real estates are valuable in the physical world – digital real estates work the same way. By building a website, you’re creating your own plot of online “land.”

You can fill this land with whatever you want, but you have to promote it through social media (and anywhere else you can think of) for this to be successful. When you build traffic to your land, you can sell people whatever you have to offer. In order to build a website, you need a host (i.e GoDaddy), a template (i.e WordPress), and content.

The first two parts are easy to find, and content is only as difficult as you make it. You can post blogs, items for sale, pictures, videos, or whatever you want. Opening up your own website gives you the potential to make money from the avenues I’m going to mention.

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