Wednesday 22 January 2014

Newly appointed IOM dean Dr Shashi Sharma dismissed from his post amidst intense pressure/ Doctors to continue strike until their all demands are addressed

KATHMANDU, JANUARY 22 - In the wake of escalating pressure from various quarters, Tribhuwan University Executive Council has relieved Dr Sashi Sharma from the post of IOM Dean today. The decision comes a day after Chairman of Interim Election Council Khil Raj Regmi directed the TU to annul Dr Sharma’s appointment within 24 hours. style="text-align: justify;"> Dr Sharma, who was appointed as the IOM dean on January 8 has been sacked from the post on the 12th day of the fast unto death launched by Prof. Dr Govinda KC, a senior orthopedic surgeon at the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital demanding widespread reforms at the TU Iom including Sharma's resignation. Meanwhile, Minister for Education and Co-Chancellor of the Tribhuvan University Madhav paudel has urged Dr KC to end his fast unyo death saying the latter's demands had been finally addressed. Talking to image channel, Minister Paudel has also called on Nepal Medical Association to withdraw their strike launched in support of Dr KC saying the latter's major demands had been fulfilled. The agitating doctors, have however said their strike will continue until other demands by put forth by Dr Kc are also addressed.

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