Sunday 12 January 2014

Khil Raj Regmi Calls First CA Meeting on Jan 22
After a long dispute over authoritative right to call for first CA meeting, today, Chairman of Interim Government of Nepal, Khil Raj Regmi, has called for the first CA meeting scheduled on 22nd January. There had been belligerent talk among the law advocates about whether the President or the Chairman of Interim Government should call the meeting. Press Advisor of Regmi, Bimal Gautam, through a press release, stated that Regmi, with authority from clause 1 of article 69 of interim constitution, has called the meeting on Wednesday, January 22 at 3:00 pm.

At President’s residence Sheetalniwas, Chairman Regmi had consulted with President Dr. Ram Baran Yadav on the matter today only. President Yadav had urged him to act as per the constitutional provisions. In the interim constitution, there is a provision of calling the first CA meet within 21 days of CA Election results.

Surya Bahadur Thapa, being the elderly Constituent Assembly member, shall be the chairman of first CA meet. Thapa will be taking oath under President Yadav on the date arranged by the President. Other CA members will take oath under Thapa, probably on the previous day of fist CA meet.

With the call of first CA meet by Regmi, the debate over authoritative right of Chairman of Interim Government and the President to call the CA meet has ended now. Few days earlier, a writ was listed at Supreme Court against the President and Vice-president, saying that they had no right to call the first CA meet. With a press release issued today, President Yadav also expressed his altercation towards the government for assorting him in the dispute.

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