Sunday 26 January 2014

Dr KC breaks his fast-unto-death protest

KATHMANDU, JANUARY 24 - The 14 days long hunger strike of Prof Dr Govinda KC has ended his on Friday after the government agreed to address his three major demands primarily ending all kinds of political interference in the health sector and appointing Dean at the Institute of Medicine (IoM) on the basis of seniority of doctors.
Dr KC had continued his hunger strike despite government's decision to dismiss the Dean at the Institute of Medicines (IoM) Dr Sashi Sharma. He ended his hunger strike by drinking fruit juice offered by seven-year-old girl Elisha Thapa, a patient from Bhaktapur at around 11 am today.
Dr KC ended his fast-unto-death after the four-member talks team headed by secretary at the Prime Ministers' Office Secretary, Krishna Hari Baskota formed by the government held dialogue with the agitating doctors and representatives from Nepal Medical Association (NMA) and finalized the 7-point agreement reached late Thursday evening to meet Dr KC’s demands.  
Immediately after ending his hunger strike, Dr KC was admitted at the Intensive Care Unit of TU Teaching Hospital in frail condition. Doctors who have monitored Dr KC’s health throughout the grueling two weeks have said Dr KC’s condition was "remarkably stable".  
With this, NMA, which is the umbrella organization of all doctors and health workers in the country, has also withdrawn all its protest program from today.

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