Saturday 25 January 2014

Amazon’s “Octocopter” drones to deliver orders within half an hour

We are used to hear in Indian television channels offering a delivery of periods 30 minutes for food items and money back gurantee if failed to do so. Now there’s no chance of failure in delivery of any items because internet giant Amazon had almost finished development of  Octocopter drones to deliver orders.
Amazon in Action during Test fly
Octocopter drones are small flying machines that are controlled by the software to deliver product to the buyer in time.The days are not far away when your food will be delivered to your door before it gets cold. Although there a lot of limitatons of the Octocopter like it’s range of flight and weight it could carry which would be increased with a further research and development. This techonology would be soon in the market and would be used for different business and personal purposes.

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