Tuesday, 6 January 2015

भुपु लोग्नेको घरमा नांगै छिर्न खोज्दा यसरी अडि्कइन् महिला -

आफ्नो भुतपूर्व लोग्नेको घरमा पस्नका लागि चिम्नीभित्र छिर्दा एक महिलालाई वित्यासै पर्यो । घरभित्र पस्नका लागि लुगा फुकालेर चिम्नीबाट छिरेकी ती महिला चिम्नीभित्रै अडि्कएपछि सरकारी उद्धार टोली नै आएर दुइ घण्टा खट्नुपर्यो ।
घटना अमेरिकाको हो । क्यालिफोर्नियास्थित उडक्रेस्टमा गएको शनिवार स्थानीय टोनी हर्नान्डेजको 
घरको चिम्नीमा उनकी भुतपूर्व श्रीमती अडि्कएकी हुन् ।

नाम नखुलाइएकी ती महिलाले टोनीको गर्भबाट ३ सन्तान जन्माएपछि उनीहरु छुटि्टएका थिए र बच्चाबच्ची टोनीले नै पालेका थिए । शनिवार बिहानै ५ बजे आफ्नो भुपु लोग्नेको घरमा आएकी ती महिला घरभित्र छिर्न खोज्दा ढोका लगाएको पाएपछि बुरुक्क छानोमा उक्लिइन् । छानोमाथिसम्म ठडिएको चिम्नीबाट छिरेर फुत्त भान्साकोठामा ओर्लिने मनसायका साथ उनी दायाँबायाँ नहेरी चिम्नीमा पसिहालिन् । चिम्नीमा नअडि्कयोस् र मज्जाले चिप्लिएर झरियोस् भन्नका लागि उनले लगाएका लुगा समेत फुकालेर नांगै छिरेकी थिइन् । तर जब उनी चिम्नीमा पसेर केही तल सम्म पुगिन् चिम्नीको साँघुरो भागमा उनी अडि्कइन् ।

चिम्नीमा अडि्कएर इन्तु र चिन्तु बनेपछि उनी गुहार माग्दै चिच्याउन र रुन थालिन् । कोही महिला रोइकराइ गरेको घरभित्र रहेका टोनीले सुनेपछि ब्युँझिए र आवाज आएको ठाउँ पत्ता लगाएर चिम्नीमाथिबाट हेर्दा पो थाहा भयो आफ्नै भुपु स्वास्नी त्यहाँ नांगै अडि्कएर रोइकराइ गर्दैछिन् र आफुलाई बचाउन गुहार मागिरहेकी छिन् ।
उनले एउटा लट्ठीको सहायताले महिलालाई चिम्नी बाहिर निकाल्ने कोसिस गरे तर नसकेपछि अग्नी नियन्त्रक उद्धार संयन्त्रलाई खबर गरे । फायर फाइटरहरु आएर दुइ घण्टाको अथक प्रयासपछि चिम्नी भत्काएरै ती महिलालाई बाहिर निकाले ।

चिम्नीबाट निकालिएकी महिलाको जिउमा ध्वाँसो पोतिनुका साथै चोटपटक समेत लागेको थियो । उनलाइै तत्कालै अस्पताल लगियो ।

भुपु श्रीमतीको त्यो हालत देखेपछि पनि हर्नान्डेजलाई खासै दया पलाएन । महिलाले त्यस्तो काम गरेको आफुलाई मन नपरको र त्यो बच्चाहरुको लागि समेत राम्रो नभएको भन्दै उनले आफु र भुपु श्रीमती पहिले देखि नै अलग अलग बस्दै आएको र आफुले उनलाई बच्चासँग भेट्न नदिने गरेको बताएका छन् ।

Rekha Thapa accused National Award organizers of asking money for the award

In a statement actress Rekha Thapa has told that she had asked the organizers to honor herself. When they refused, she became the only winner of National Film to boycott the ceremony at the President’s residence.

Actress Rekha Thapa has accused the organizers of the National Award, Film Development Board, of asking money for the award. In addition to that she has also questioned the capability of the judges and the choice of winners. Here is the summary of Rekha’s statement.
  • Rekha didn’t know about the SAARC Film Festival. If she had known, she would also have participated and might even have won awards.
  • Garima Pant was considered a bad actress until she won SAARC award. If she won the award who became the second?
  •     She doesn’t know any Nepali movies participating the SAARC film festival beside ‘Sanghuro’ and ‘Jhola’.
  •     ‘Rhythm’ can’t be a best movie. The lead actor in ‘Rhythm’ is Jiwan Luitel not Wilson Bikram Rai who had won the best actor award for the movie.
  •     Lead actress in ‘Masan’ is Keki Adhikari not the winner of the best actress Neeta Dhungana . Keki, Priyanka Karki or Richa Sharma are better actress than Neeta.
  •     Wilson Bikram Rai and Neeta have no contribution to Nepali film industry when compared to Rekha Thapa or Rajesh Hamal.
  •     The jury is incompetent judges. Prakash Subedi, a half-hour-filmy program host doesn’t qualify to be a judge. Story writer Dhurba Chandra Gautam can’t judge acting.
  •     Jharana Thapa and Sunil Kumar Thapa are close to Pappu. That is the reason she won an award. In the past she used to win awards in Negative role for the same movie.
  •     Rekha knew about the final result. She had told the organizers to honor the contribution of Rekha Thapa and Rajesh Hamal. The organizers had asked money for awards.
  •     The communication minister had influenced to award Garima Pant for the year 2070.
  •     The award ceremony is a play of money and love-relationships.
  •     Rekha’s film ‘Kali‘ wasn’t in the competition.
We believe, these are very serious accusations.

Accusing government officials of asking money would warrant for a police case and the involvement of corruption investigation.

In most of the other award ceremonies Rekha’s film used to win most of the awards:

Kasam – Nepali Movie

Director – Deepak Rayamajhi  
Nepali Film – Kasam
Starring – Rajesh Hamal, Kristi KC, Ganesh Upreti, Bina Basnet, Shree Krishna Shrestha, Mohan Niraula, Laxmi Giri etc.

 The film by Subhalaxmi Films Production, ‘Kasam’ features Kristi Mainali (KC, before marriage) and Bina Budhathoki (Basnet, before marrying Ramesh Budhathoki). The film is presented by Jagan Shrestha. The director of this superhit film, Deepak Rayamajhi has died in 2011 and the actor Shree Krishna Shrestha has also died in 2014.

Nirmal Poudel and Bijaya Shrestha are the new introduction in the film. Guest artists in the film are Mausami Malla, Saroj Khanal, Madandash Shrestha and Riddhi Charan Shrestha. Deepak Rayamajhi and Nirmal Pradhan are featured in special appearance. Madan Ghimire is the assistant director of the film.

Action by Rajendra Khadgi, choreography by Basanta Jung Rayamajhi, dialogue / chief assist direction by Mohan Niraula, editing by Mukhtar Ahmed, cinematography by Javed Shah / Ashok Ratna Tuladhar, Music by Sambhujit Baskota and script by the director Deepak Rayamajhi.

Full movie in two parts:
Part I
Part II

Sunday, 4 January 2015

मदिराले मातिएपछि यौनको बारेमा खुल्छन् केटीहरु

एक अध्ययनका अनुसार मदिरा पिउनु स्वास्थ्यका लागि ठीक मानिँदैन । तर, परिवर्तित समयका साथसाथ महिलाहरुपनि मदिरालाई आफ्नो प्रिय साथी मान्न थालिसकेका छन्। पार्टीहरुमा मदिरा पिउनुलाई आफ्नो स्टाटसको प्रतिक मान्न थालिसकेका छन् ।

त्यसैले महिलाहरु पनि आफ्ना साथीहरुसँग जमेर मदिरापानको मजा लिने गर्दछन्। अध्ययनका अनुसार मदिरापानपछि महिलाहरु आफ्ना साथीहरुसँग यौन जीवनमा विषयमा खुलेर कुरा गर्न थाल्छन् ।अध्ययनका अनुसार विवाहित महिलाहरुजब आफ्नासाथीहरुसँग डिनरमा जुट्छन् र थोरै मदिरापानको चुस्की लिएपछि आआफ्नो यौन जीवनका विषयमा विमर्श गर्न थाल्छन्।
यौन जीवनका विषयमा छलफल गर्दै महिलाहरु यौन आनन्द लिने तरिकाका विषयमा पनि कुरा गर्न पछि पर्दैनन् । जुन महिला आफ्नो यौन जीवनबाट सन्तुष्ट हुँदैनन् उनीहरु आफ्नो यौन जीवनका कमीकमजोरी आफ्ना साथीहरुसँग बाँड्छन् ।

साथै महिलाहरु यो कुरा पनि आपसमा बाँड्छन् कि उनीहरुलाई यौनमा कुन प्रकारको आनन्द आउँछ । अध्ययनकर्ताहरुका  अनुसार महिलाहरु मदिरापान गरेपछि आफ्नो यौन जीवनमा विषयमा खुलेर कुरा गर्न थाल्छन् ।

ज्योति मगरको पहिरन को कारण देखाउदै NTV ले उनको interview बन्द गरेको छ ! हेर्नुहोस उनीसंग लिएको अन्तरबार्त !!

 Lok singer Jyoti Magar’s interview was banned from NTV Plus when the dress she wore during the interview was considered indecent. Jyoti was interviewed for NTV Plus morning program ‘Tea Time’.
According to NTV, the interview wasn’t allowed to be telecasted because the singer’s dress was too flimsy. It is told that Jyoti’s breasts are clearly visible in the dress she wore during the interview. The ‘Tea Time’ director and singer Indra GC has confirmed that the the interview was banned over indecent dress. ‘Tea Time’ is being run by singer, model and VJ Shova Tripathi.
In addition to singing, Jyoti Magar is also a good dancer and a model. She also known for hot poses in magazines and websites. Jyoti is known to be one of the hottest singer in Nepal.

रबिनासंग इन्टरभिउ : सेक्स एक पर्कृतिक उपहार हो, एस्लाई सबैले सहज रुपमा लिनु पर्छ !

In an interview with an online magazine, model Rabina Shahi has told that she won’t accept any indecent proposals. A grade 12 student, 18-years-old model Rabina Shahi has acted in 5 music videos.

Rabina is currently working in a music video of NavaSutra musical band.  Here is the summary of the interview in which she talks about sex and sexual relationships.

According to Rabina sex is a natural gift. These days, it is considered a simple thing in relationship and she also thinks it is nothing special. If somebody proposes her, she would rejected it at once and she has no intention of working with producers and directors who have wrong intentions towards their actress.

Rabina works in a music video for Rs. 7-10 thousands. In future Rabina wants to be the top model or top actress.

Deshdrohi – Nepali Movie

Director – Rakesh Manandhar
Nepali Film – Deshdrohi
Starring – Shiva Shrestha, Sunil Thapa, Priya Rijal, Nawal Khadka, Poojana Pradhan, Suresh Bhattarai, Pawan Joshi, Nabin Basnet, Laxmi Giri, Radha Lamsal etc.

The patriotic film by Bishnudevi Films is a presentation of Mrs. Kamala Shrestha. Karma Sherpa and Sajjan Kumar Bhattarai are the guest artists in the film. Badri Adhikari and Mithila Sharma have special appearances in the movie. Arts by Gopal Bhutani, background music by Kamal Krishna / Sanjaya Shrestha, music by Shiva Mukhya, narration by Mohan Niraula, choreography by Bhuvan Shrestha, action by Rajendra Khadgi, dialogue by Sunil Sapkota, screenplay by Rakesh Manandhar/Pawan Joshi, cinematography and editing by Tara Thapa ‘Kimvey’.

Full movie in two parts:
Part-1 (Deshdrohi)

Part-1 (Deshdrohi)

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