We can now see that many young talents are entering Nepalese music industry. The new artists in the music field varies from folk to rap. One can easily figure out that new entrants in the industry from village mostly choose to be folk and dohori genre while youngsters in the raw choose rap and pop music. Bikesh K Shankar is one of the young pop singer and new in the competition. His new compilation ‘Kahi Najau Aajko Raat’ has been recently launched and posted to Youtube channel. We are now presenting our visitor the very tanent Bikesh K Shankar’s melodiouse Nepali Pop Song ‘Kahi Najau Aajako Raat’.
Singer: Bikesh K Shankar
Music / Lyrics: Kundan Thapa
Arranger: Sooraj Shrestha
Acting: Ashishma Nakarmi / Jatin
Camera: Arjun Tiwari
Edit: Suresh Rawat
Direction: Laxman Poudel
Tuesday 30 September 2014
Watch Nilo film Sometimes-Mahima Silwal
‘कहिलेकाँही ब्लु फिल्म हेर्छु’ नेपाली नायिका तथा मोडलहरु आजकाल सेक्सका बारेमा निकै खुलेर बोल्ने गरेका छन् । पछिल्लो समय मोडलिङ क्षेत्रमा ठुलो सम्भावना बोकेकी मोडेल हुन महिमा सिलबाल । उनले पनि सेक्सका बारेमा निकै मज्जाले खुलेर बोलेकी छिन् उनले भनेकी छिन् आफुले सेक्सको अनुभब नभए पनि ब्लु फिल्मभने हेर्ने गरेको बताएकी छिन् ।
साथीहरुले ब्लु फिल्म उपलब्ध गराउने गरेको उनले बताएकी छिन् । कहिलेकाही साझँ तिर त्यहि ब्लु फिल्म हेर्ने गरेको उनले बताइन् । तर ब्लु फिल्म हेरे पनि अहिले सम्म सेक्सको अनुभब भने नभएको बताएकी छिन् ।
१४ बर्षको उमेर देखी सेक्स आबश्यक रहेछ भन्ने थाहा पाएको बताउने महिमा सेक्स एक प्रकृतिको देन रहेको बताउछिन् ।
आँखा र ओठ आफुलाई निकै सेक्सी लाग्ने गरेको बताउने महिमा ब्लुफिल्म हेरेपछि स्तन र योनी खेलाउने गरेको खुलाइन् । महिमाले आफुलाई सारी लगाउदा निकै सेक्सी देखिने गरेको बताइन् ।
साथीहरुले ब्लु फिल्म उपलब्ध गराउने गरेको उनले बताएकी छिन् । कहिलेकाही साझँ तिर त्यहि ब्लु फिल्म हेर्ने गरेको उनले बताइन् । तर ब्लु फिल्म हेरे पनि अहिले सम्म सेक्सको अनुभब भने नभएको बताएकी छिन् ।
१४ बर्षको उमेर देखी सेक्स आबश्यक रहेछ भन्ने थाहा पाएको बताउने महिमा सेक्स एक प्रकृतिको देन रहेको बताउछिन् ।
आँखा र ओठ आफुलाई निकै सेक्सी लाग्ने गरेको बताउने महिमा ब्लुफिल्म हेरेपछि स्तन र योनी खेलाउने गरेको खुलाइन् । महिमाले आफुलाई सारी लगाउदा निकै सेक्सी देखिने गरेको बताइन् ।
सीडीसी: पहिलो संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका मा इबोला को मामला निदान
सीडीसी: पहिलो संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका मा इबोला को मामला निदान
(CNN) -- A patient being treated at a Dallas hospital is the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Tuesday.
The man, whose identity was not released, left Liberia on September 19 and arrived in the United States on September 20, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC.
At that time, the individual did not have symptoms. "But four or five days later," he began to exhibit them, Frieden said. The individual was hospitalized and isolated Sunday at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
Citing privacy concerns, health officials declined to release any details about how the patient contracted the virus, what he was doing in Liberia or how he was being treated.
CDC: We will stop Ebola in its tracks
"I can say he is ill. He is under intensive care," Edward Goodman of the hospital told reporters.
The patient is believed to have had a handful of contacts with people after showing symptoms of the virus, and before being hospitalized, Frieden said. A CDC team is en route to Texas to investigate those contacts.
At the same time, Frieden sought to play down the risk to public health. There currently are no other suspected cases of Ebola in Texas.
"It's a severe disease, which has a high-case fatality rate, even with the best of care, but there are core, tried and true public health interventions that stop it," Frieden said.
"The bottom line here is that I have no doubt that we will control this importation or this case of Ebola so that it does not spread widely in this country," he said.
A number of other Americans have been diagnosed with the disease in West Africa and then brought to the United States for treatment.
The man, whose identity was not released, left Liberia on September 19 and arrived in the United States on September 20, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC.
At that time, the individual did not have symptoms. "But four or five days later," he began to exhibit them, Frieden said. The individual was hospitalized and isolated Sunday at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
Citing privacy concerns, health officials declined to release any details about how the patient contracted the virus, what he was doing in Liberia or how he was being treated.
CDC: We will stop Ebola in its tracks
"I can say he is ill. He is under intensive care," Edward Goodman of the hospital told reporters.
The patient is believed to have had a handful of contacts with people after showing symptoms of the virus, and before being hospitalized, Frieden said. A CDC team is en route to Texas to investigate those contacts.
At the same time, Frieden sought to play down the risk to public health. There currently are no other suspected cases of Ebola in Texas.
"It's a severe disease, which has a high-case fatality rate, even with the best of care, but there are core, tried and true public health interventions that stop it," Frieden said.
"The bottom line here is that I have no doubt that we will control this importation or this case of Ebola so that it does not spread widely in this country," he said.
A number of other Americans have been diagnosed with the disease in West Africa and then brought to the United States for treatment.
एक रात विताउन हस्ताक्षर गर्दै तयार भइन् सन्नी लियोन
सन्नी लियोन पूर्वपोर्न स्टार नै हुन् । उनी बलिउड प्रवेश गरेपनि उनी अभिनित चलचित्र यात आइटम डान्समा केन्द्रित छन् यात उनको नग्नता प्रदर्शनमा ।
केही समय अघि अव आफ्नो छवी सुधार गर्ने बताएकी सन्नीले पछिल्लो समय अर्को सेक्स मुभी साइन गरेकी छिन् । उनले अव खेल्ने चलचित्रको नाम हो ‘वन नाइट स्ट्याण्ड’ अर्था
यो चलचित्र दक्षिण भारतीय चलचित्र हो जहाँ उनी चर्चित अभिनेता राना डग्गुवातीसँग रोमान्स गर्ने छिन् । यस अघि राना विपाशा बसुसँग नाम जोडिएर चर्चामा थिए ।
उनले दम मारो दम, डिपार्टमेन्ट र ये जवानी है दीवानी जस्ता चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरिसकेका छन् । तर अव उनले सन्नी लियोनसँग एक रात विताउने छन् ।
यो चलचित्रमा एक स्वतन्त्र युवतीको रुपमा अभिनय गर्नेछिन् सन्नी लियोनले ।
केही समय अघि अव आफ्नो छवी सुधार गर्ने बताएकी सन्नीले पछिल्लो समय अर्को सेक्स मुभी साइन गरेकी छिन् । उनले अव खेल्ने चलचित्रको नाम हो ‘वन नाइट स्ट्याण्ड’ अर्था
यो चलचित्र दक्षिण भारतीय चलचित्र हो जहाँ उनी चर्चित अभिनेता राना डग्गुवातीसँग रोमान्स गर्ने छिन् । यस अघि राना विपाशा बसुसँग नाम जोडिएर चर्चामा थिए ।
उनले दम मारो दम, डिपार्टमेन्ट र ये जवानी है दीवानी जस्ता चलचित्रमा अभिनय गरिसकेका छन् । तर अव उनले सन्नी लियोनसँग एक रात विताउने छन् ।
यो चलचित्रमा एक स्वतन्त्र युवतीको रुपमा अभिनय गर्नेछिन् सन्नी लियोनले ।
भारतकी साउथ एक्ट्रेस मोडल अर्चना पाण्डेले आफ्नै फ्ल्याटको पङ्खामा झुण्डिएर गरिन आत्महत्या
भारतकी साउथ एक्ट्रेस मोडल अर्चना पाण्डेले आफ्नै फ्ल्याटको पङ्खामा झुण्डिएर गरिन आत्महत्या
नयाँ दिल्ली – भारतकी साउथ एक्ट्रेस मोडल अर्चना पाण्डेले आफ्नै फ्ल्याटको पङ्खामा झुण्डिएर आत्महत्या गरेकी छिन् ।
मुम्बईको बर्सोवा इलाकामा रहेको उनको फ्ल्याटबाट उनको लास बरामद गरिएको छ । लास सोमबार भेटिएपनि उनले केहि दिन पहिले नै आत्महत्या गरेको पुलिसले जानकारी दिएको छ ।
पाण्डेका छिमेकीलाई उदृत गर्दै पुलिसले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार, गत सोमबार पाण्डेको फ्ल्याटबाट दुर्गन्ध आएकोले त्यसको बारेमा जानकारी लिन छिमेकीहरुले थुप्रै पटक घण्टी बजाएता पनि ढोका खोल्न कोही नआएका कारण उनीहरुले पुलिसलाई यसको जानकारी दिएका थिए ।
सूचना पाएलगत्तै पुलिसले अर्चनाको फ्ल्याटमा खोजतलासी गर्दा पङ्खामा झुण्डिरहेको उनको लाससँगै सुसाइड नोट बरामद गरिएको थियो जसमा उनले आफ्नो प्रेमी उमर पठानलाई यो कठोर कदमको दोषी बताएकी छिन् ।
पुलिसले पठानका विरुद्ध आत्महत्याको लागि उक्साएको भन्दै उजुरी दर्ता गरेको छ ।
उल्लेखनीय छ कि अर्चना भारतीय मोडलिङ क्षेत्रकी निकै चर्चित अनुहार हुन् र उनले थुप्रै साउथ इन्डियन फिल्ममा पनि काम गरिसकेकी छिन् । (एजेन्सी)
मुम्बईको बर्सोवा इलाकामा रहेको उनको फ्ल्याटबाट उनको लास बरामद गरिएको छ । लास सोमबार भेटिएपनि उनले केहि दिन पहिले नै आत्महत्या गरेको पुलिसले जानकारी दिएको छ ।
पाण्डेका छिमेकीलाई उदृत गर्दै पुलिसले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार, गत सोमबार पाण्डेको फ्ल्याटबाट दुर्गन्ध आएकोले त्यसको बारेमा जानकारी लिन छिमेकीहरुले थुप्रै पटक घण्टी बजाएता पनि ढोका खोल्न कोही नआएका कारण उनीहरुले पुलिसलाई यसको जानकारी दिएका थिए ।
सूचना पाएलगत्तै पुलिसले अर्चनाको फ्ल्याटमा खोजतलासी गर्दा पङ्खामा झुण्डिरहेको उनको लाससँगै सुसाइड नोट बरामद गरिएको थियो जसमा उनले आफ्नो प्रेमी उमर पठानलाई यो कठोर कदमको दोषी बताएकी छिन् ।
पुलिसले पठानका विरुद्ध आत्महत्याको लागि उक्साएको भन्दै उजुरी दर्ता गरेको छ ।
उल्लेखनीय छ कि अर्चना भारतीय मोडलिङ क्षेत्रकी निकै चर्चित अनुहार हुन् र उनले थुप्रै साउथ इन्डियन फिल्ममा पनि काम गरिसकेकी छिन् । (एजेन्सी)
नेपाली फिल्म `हिम्मतवाली`चलचित्र विकास बोर्डबाट प्रदर्शनमा रोक
आश्विन १४, मंगलवार - काठमाण्डौ उपत्यकामा शुक्रबार मात्र फिल्म रिलिज गर्ने प्राबधान रहेकाले भोली बुधवार रिलिज हुन लागेको 'हिम्मतवाली'को रिलिज रोक्न बिकास बोर्डले चलचित्र संघसहित उपत्यकाका सबै हललाई पत्र काटेको हो ।
नेपाल चलचित्र निर्माता संघ र चलचित्र संघबिच २०६० साल श्रावण २३ गते सम्झौता पत्रको बुँदा नम्बर ९ मा 'काठमाण्डौ उपत्यकामा नयाँँ स्वदेशी फिल्मको प्रदर्शन गर्दा अनिवार्य रूपमा शुक्रबार मात्र गर्नुपर्ने' लेखिएको छ । सोही सम्झौता पत्र अनुसार सञ्चार मन्त्रालयले चलचित्र बिकास बोर्डलाई सम्झौता कार्यान्वयन गर्न आदेश दिएपछि बोर्डले यस्तो कदम चालेको हो ।
चलचित्र बिकास बोर्डले हललाई 'हिम्मतवाली' रिलिज नगर्न आदेश दिएपछि भोली काठमाण्डौका कुनैपनि हलमा रेखा थापा अभिनित तथा निर्देशित यो फिल्म रिलिज हुनेछैन । यदि कुनै हलले रिलिज गरेको खण्डमा कानुन अनुसारको कार्वाही हुने बोर्डले जनाएको छ । काठमाण्डौ उपत्यका बाहिर भने यो फिल्म भोली बुधवार नै लाग्नेछ । बोर्डले काठमाण्डौ, ललितपुर र भक्तपुर जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय तथा डिजिटल सिनेमा नेपाल र क्यूब सर्भर गोपीकृष्ण मुभिज प्रालीलाई समेत बोधार्थ पत्र पठाएको छ ।
नेपाल चलचित्र निर्माता संघ र चलचित्र संघबिच २०६० साल श्रावण २३ गते सम्झौता पत्रको बुँदा नम्बर ९ मा 'काठमाण्डौ उपत्यकामा नयाँँ स्वदेशी फिल्मको प्रदर्शन गर्दा अनिवार्य रूपमा शुक्रबार मात्र गर्नुपर्ने' लेखिएको छ । सोही सम्झौता पत्र अनुसार सञ्चार मन्त्रालयले चलचित्र बिकास बोर्डलाई सम्झौता कार्यान्वयन गर्न आदेश दिएपछि बोर्डले यस्तो कदम चालेको हो ।
चलचित्र बिकास बोर्डले हललाई 'हिम्मतवाली' रिलिज नगर्न आदेश दिएपछि भोली काठमाण्डौका कुनैपनि हलमा रेखा थापा अभिनित तथा निर्देशित यो फिल्म रिलिज हुनेछैन । यदि कुनै हलले रिलिज गरेको खण्डमा कानुन अनुसारको कार्वाही हुने बोर्डले जनाएको छ । काठमाण्डौ उपत्यका बाहिर भने यो फिल्म भोली बुधवार नै लाग्नेछ । बोर्डले काठमाण्डौ, ललितपुर र भक्तपुर जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालय तथा डिजिटल सिनेमा नेपाल र क्यूब सर्भर गोपीकृष्ण मुभिज प्रालीलाई समेत बोधार्थ पत्र पठाएको छ ।
यता गत आईतवार बसेको निर्माता संघको कार्यसमिती बैठकले पनि शुक्रबारबाहेक अन्य दिन कथामाण्डौमा फिल्म रिलिज गर्न नपाईने निर्णय गरेको थियो । आफ्नो निर्णयलाई लिएर निर्माता संघले 'हिम्मतवाली' रिलिज गर्न नदिन पहल गरेको बुझिएको छ ।
सञ्चार मन्त्रायलको निर्देशनलाई कार्यान्वयन गर्दै चलचित्र बिकास बोर्डले भोली बुधवारबाट प्रदर्शनमा आउन लागेको फिल्म 'हिम्मतवाली' रिलिज नगर्न काठमाण्डौका हलहरूलाई पत्राचार गरेको छ ।
America Nepal entrepreneurs Association has been formed in the USA
Recently, the United States, the United States International Entrepreneurs Association, (US International chamber of commerce) in the first time, the United States within the business of running different types of Nepali businessman has been formed under. The main purpose of this organization is formed :, fully Nepali entrepreneurs in the United States to update the record for investment and trade, financial services, enterprise training to enhance the areas, Nepali business owners or those who represent business entity to move, trade exchange, National conference and national cultural exchange, to, in the United States the right to establish the identity of the Nepali entrepreneur entrepreneurs to enhance and address the obstacles out of hand and, under the umbrella of a Nepalese business and entrepreneurs, the United States and Nepal to sync between the entrepreneur , and to create investment opportunities and as well as between the United States and Nepal in Nepali society to help economic prosperity, good business practice, management and investment skills with the members of the educated.
The Association Mohan Gyawali (Mt.Everest nails), Vice little father Mr.Iwaki (GS Institute Inc.) North Carolina, Secretary Prakash Thapa (Mountain Tradelink) in New York, chaired by the executive body of 21 members has been formed, the Treasury, Mr. Kunga Sherpa (Manhattan secondary group) in New York.
Similarly, a member of the Central Executive: Prasad Kharel (sustainable development Media) New York, AHEAD (Percellnell Touch) Indiana, Kedar Shrestha (Pinky Nails and Spa) Connecticut, Santosh Hill (Jai International Invesment) Gaorgia, love Kaji (Everest Restaurant / grocery) Colorado, Bimal Shrestha (Tersian grill Congress) Pennsylvania, Nijananda Malla (Chiniya Kharka Inc.), Florida, Dr Vinod Shah (Jackson height of the Medical center) in New York, Ravindra Pandey (seven eleven) California, religion Bhattarai (Buddha Enterprises), Michigan, Shashi officer (marathon Foodmark / PBS, Inc.) Kentucky, Sachin Thapa (Thapa Corporation Inc / united group), Oregon, Mohan Gurung (The Everest Kitchen) Washington, Narendra Baral South (silver and such a jewelry shop) Carolina, Bina Mainali (Mainali Corporation) Texas, Ms.Indira Khanal (Yeti wireless) Illinois, and Mrs. Hajuri Singh (shop and save) Massachutse.
Ravindra Pandey, central member of the gathering of the meeting under the Organization for the five members of the Declaration of the sub-committees. Other members Prasad Kharel, AHEAD, Dr Vinod Shah, and Narendra Baral also include. Similarly, the organization is required to forward to the role of the legal registration process Mohan Gyawali, little father, Mr.Iwaki, Prakash Thapa, and Kunga Sherpa is assigned to. The Central Committee, the United States in the enterprise business people to subscribe to updates to update the data distribution, integration and inspirational entrepreneur and a year is a time limit has been set for the fulfillment of the convention.
Finally, like-minded organizations as well as private / public / quasi-public institution, and other intellectual and generous support from the authorities have been looking for. The conference meeting more than 140 Nepali business entrepreneurs to participate in various states of the United States of America. The meeting chaired by Mr. Mohan Gyawali and Mr. Little's father, Mr.Iwaki purpose and need of the organization highlighted, Mr. Prakash Thapa program facilitated. The program gave each member of the organization to set up their valuable inputs. Official website of this organization is www.aneassociation.com
The Association Mohan Gyawali (Mt.Everest nails), Vice little father Mr.Iwaki (GS Institute Inc.) North Carolina, Secretary Prakash Thapa (Mountain Tradelink) in New York, chaired by the executive body of 21 members has been formed, the Treasury, Mr. Kunga Sherpa (Manhattan secondary group) in New York.
Similarly, a member of the Central Executive: Prasad Kharel (sustainable development Media) New York, AHEAD (Percellnell Touch) Indiana, Kedar Shrestha (Pinky Nails and Spa) Connecticut, Santosh Hill (Jai International Invesment) Gaorgia, love Kaji (Everest Restaurant / grocery) Colorado, Bimal Shrestha (Tersian grill Congress) Pennsylvania, Nijananda Malla (Chiniya Kharka Inc.), Florida, Dr Vinod Shah (Jackson height of the Medical center) in New York, Ravindra Pandey (seven eleven) California, religion Bhattarai (Buddha Enterprises), Michigan, Shashi officer (marathon Foodmark / PBS, Inc.) Kentucky, Sachin Thapa (Thapa Corporation Inc / united group), Oregon, Mohan Gurung (The Everest Kitchen) Washington, Narendra Baral South (silver and such a jewelry shop) Carolina, Bina Mainali (Mainali Corporation) Texas, Ms.Indira Khanal (Yeti wireless) Illinois, and Mrs. Hajuri Singh (shop and save) Massachutse.
Ravindra Pandey, central member of the gathering of the meeting under the Organization for the five members of the Declaration of the sub-committees. Other members Prasad Kharel, AHEAD, Dr Vinod Shah, and Narendra Baral also include. Similarly, the organization is required to forward to the role of the legal registration process Mohan Gyawali, little father, Mr.Iwaki, Prakash Thapa, and Kunga Sherpa is assigned to. The Central Committee, the United States in the enterprise business people to subscribe to updates to update the data distribution, integration and inspirational entrepreneur and a year is a time limit has been set for the fulfillment of the convention.
Finally, like-minded organizations as well as private / public / quasi-public institution, and other intellectual and generous support from the authorities have been looking for. The conference meeting more than 140 Nepali business entrepreneurs to participate in various states of the United States of America. The meeting chaired by Mr. Mohan Gyawali and Mr. Little's father, Mr.Iwaki purpose and need of the organization highlighted, Mr. Prakash Thapa program facilitated. The program gave each member of the organization to set up their valuable inputs. Official website of this organization is www.aneassociation.com
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