Saturday 30 August 2014

Sahana Bajracharya and Suraj Giri were caught having romance in car

Nepali model and Vj of Kantipur channel Sahana Bajracharya and another VJ of Call Kantipur Suraj Giri are fired from the job at Kantipur television. According to a recent news that is published in various media, Sahana Bajracharya and Suraj Giri were found making love inside a car in Chitwan. It was around 3 am when police found a stopped car shaking and when
they looked inside they found Sahana and Suraj were having fun with half naked. It was Suraj’s private car in which both of them were spotted by police.

When police tried to take them in custody for such behavior in a public place, they told police that they were journalist of Kanipur Television and apologized. Police inquired and when police were confirmed that both of them were journalist than police leaved them. After this incident, it is said that they were fired from Kantipur Television. As a result we can see on profile of Suraj Giri where he has changed his past work to Kantipur Television whereas Sahana has posted in her facebook fan page saying she will come back soon on television with a bang.

Suraj Giri was running Kantipur Television’s popular live show Call Kantipur where as Sahana Bajracharya was running program Frame by Frame in Kantipur Television. This news of making love by two journalist of Kantipur television in a public place is getting viral.

Why the doctor shocks with patient ?

A Nepali funny video by doctor is testing without putting stethoscope on his ear instantly reminded with patient in beginning is even more funny part.  A doctor shocks with a girl patient who asks to test her down part of the body. Doctor randomly asks her with stethoscope on her upper body to find where the paining is, but girl says the paining is a little down, makes the doctor shocked. This is one of the very much funny video just for laugh, which also goes in a satirical way. 

Interview with Actress Namrata Shrestha

Interview with Actress Namrata Shrestha Interview with Actress Namrata Shrestha

थाइल्याण्डकी राजकुमारी श्रीरास्मीको नग्न भिडियो सार्वजनिक

जेठ ११, बैङ्कक  – थाइल्याण्डमा सैनिकले ‘कू’ मार्फत् सत्ता आफ्नो हातमा लिइरहेको बेला त्यहाँ रहेका राजकुमार र राजकुमारीको विवादास्पद भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएको छ । राजधानी बैङ्ककमा रहेको शाही दरबारमा भएको एक पार्टीको दौरान खिचिएको उक्त भिडियोमा राजकुमारी श्रीरास्मीलाई अधंनग्न देखाइएको छ । उनले कम्मर मूनि मात्र भित्री वस्त्र लगाएका छन् । भिडियोमा राजकुमार मह पनि सँगै रहेका छन् । भिडियोको सुरुवातमा राजकुमारी र राजकुमार कुर्सीमा बसेर खाइरहेको देखाइएको छ । त्यसपछि राजकुमारी, जो पूर्व वेटरेस् पनि हुन्, उनी उठेर आफ्नो कुकुरलाई खाना खुवाउँछिन् । 

एउटा दृश्यमा राजकुमारीले कुकुरको खाना खाने भाँडोबाट खाना खाने प्रयास समेत गर्छिन् । त्यसपछि सबैले उक्त कुकुरलाई जन्म दिनको शुभकामना दिएको देखाइएको छ । यस भिडियो सार्वजनिक भएपछि राजकुमार मह राजा भूमिबोल अदुल्यादेजको उत्तराधिकारी बन्न कति सक्षम भन्ने कुरामा बहस शुरु भएको छ । ८६ वर्षिइ राजा केही समयदेखि बिरामी रहेका छन् र सैनिक शासन लागु भएपछि उनलाई सार्वजनिक रुपमा देखिएको छैन । 

गूगलको पकड संसार बदल्ने तिर, थाहा पाउनुस् यो हुनेछ कसरी ?

गुगल एक इन्टरनेट को सर्च इन्जिन मात्र नभई यसमा यस्ता थुप्रै प्रोजेक्टहरु कम गरि रहेका छन् त्यसैले समुचा गुगलले काम गरिरहेको छ र यहि प्रोजेक्टहरुले नै आउँदा दिनहरुमा मानव संसार नै बदल्ने ताकत राखेको छ । तथापी यी प्रोजेक्टहरुको काम द्रुत रुपमा अगाडि बढिरहेको छ जसका लागि गुगलले करोडौँ रुपैयाँ पानीसरह बगाइरहेको छ । आज हामी
तपाईंहरुलाई यस्तै प्रोजेक्टहरुको बारेमा जानकारी दिँदैछौ जसले आउँदा दिनमा संसारलाई नै बदल्नेछ ।
१. कन्ट्याक्ट लेन्सः यो कन्ट्याक्ट लेन्सले तपाईंको शरिरमा ग्लुकोजको मात्रामा नजर राख्नेछ र यसका साथसाथै यसमा एउटा माइक्रो क्यामरा पनि लगाइएको छ । 
२. होवर बोर्डः गुगल एक्स अन्तर्गत यस्ता थुप्रै प्रोजेक्टहरु क्रियाशिल भइरहेका छन् जसमध्ये होवर बोर्ड पनि एक हो । यो वोर्डको सहायताले चुम्बकीय क्षेत्रमार्फत हावामा उड्न सकिनेछ तर यो प्रोजेक्टद्वारा बनाइएको होवर बोर्डको लागत यति अधिक छ कि यसलाई बजारमा लञ्च गर्नका लागि कुनै पनि कम्पनीको सामथ्र्य छैन । 
३. एरियल बाइकः गुगलका सिइओ लेरी पेजले टेड टकको क्रममा उपस्थित मानिसहरुसँग उनको एउटा एरियल बाइक बनाउने धोको रहेको कुरा बताएका थिए । उनले भनेजस्तो एरियल बाइक बनिरहेको खबर भने सञ्चार माध्यममा सुन्न पाइएको छैन । 
४. गुगल ड्राइभरलेस कारः गुगललको ड्राइभरलेस कार आउँदा दिनहरुमा ट्राफिकबाट छुटकारा पाउनका लागि सबैभन्दा राम्रो उपाय सबित हुनेछ । यो प्रोजेक्ट अन्तर्गत बनाइँदै गरिएको कार ड्राइभरबिना नै सडकमा गुड्नेछन् । 
5. गुगल ग्लासः गुगल ग्लासले इन्टरनेटलाई एक प्रकारले यस्तो नजिक बनाइदिएको छ कि आँखा झिम्काएको भरमा यसमा सर्च गर्न सकिनेछ । भर्जिन एटलान्टिक एयरलाइन्स पेसेन्जर चेकिङका लागि गुगल ग्लासमाथि परिक्षण पनि भइरहेको छ । 
६. प्रोजेक्ट लूनः प्रोजेक्ट लून गुगलका ती प्रोजेक्टहरुमध्येको एक हो जसमा गुगलले दुनियाँका धेरैभन्दा धेरै इन्टरनेटसँग जोड्ने कोसिस गरिरहेको छ । (एजेन्सी)

Govt nominates 18 lawmakers, UML Gen-Secy's wife, RPP(N) chair's brother nominated

A cabinet meeting on Friday nominated 18 people for the vacant 26 seats of lawmakers in the Constituent Assembly (CA).

In a meeting held in Council of Ministers' office, the cabinet agreed on 18 lawmakers' names from lists sent by Nepali Congress, CPN (UML) and Rashtriya Prajatantra Party Nepal for their quota.

Radhe Shyam Adhikari, Shiva Bahadur Khadka, Pushkar Acharya, Resham Baniya, Sakudev Sutihar, Rukmini Koirala, Surya Dev Das, Umesh Shrestha, Anil Kumar Rungta were nominated in Nepali Congress quota.

Likewise, Agni Kharel, Ganga Dangi, Mira Dhwaju ,Pemba Bhote, Naresh Kharel, rajan Bhattarai, Partaman Dhimal were nominated from CPN(UML).

However, UCPN (Maoist) has not sent any names for nomination stating the government's failure to implement the four-point agreement.

Ganesh Thapa was nominated for the only seat for Rashtriya Prajatantra Party (Nepal).

All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) president Ganesh Thapa is RPP (N) chair Kamal Thapa's brother.

Similarly, Mira Dhwaju is the wife of CPN (UML) General Secretary Ishwar Pokhkrel.

The parliament's Public Accounts Committee, which is holding an inquiry about alleged financial irregularities in ANFA, summoned ANFA president Thapa to submit his bank statement and statements of income and expenditure. The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority is also investigating Thapa's files.

The Nepali under-23 football squad, currently on tour in Bangladesh

The Nepali under-23 football squad, currently on tour in
Bangladesh, defeated the Bangladesh U-23 side 1-0 in a friendly match at the Sylhet District Stadium in Sylhet, Bangladesh, on Friday.
The U-23 team poses for a photo at a farewell ceremony at the National Sports Council in Tripuraswar, Kathmandu, on Monday, August 25, 2014. (Photo Courtesy: National Sports Council)
The U-23 team poses for a photo at a farewell ceremony at the National Sports Council in Tripuraswar, Kathmandu, on Monday, August 25, 2014. (Photo Courtesy: National Sports Council)
Sushil KC struck the solitary goal in the 79th minute to finish the two-match SS Steel International Friendly even, the Bangladesh U-23 having won the first match 1-0 in Dhaka on Tuesday, August 26.
The matches were part of a preparatory series between the two teams for the upcoming 17th Asian Games scheduled to be held Incheon, South Korea, from September 19.
The football matches will start five days before the inaugural ceremony, on September 14.
In the Asiad, Nepal faces defending champion Japan, and former winner Iraq, and Kuwait in Group D.
The Nepali football team has so played in five Asiads but has not even managed a draw yet.
Nepal will play Iraq on September 14, Kuwait on 17 and Japan on September 21. Altogether 29 countries are participating in football competitions. 

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